
Googly Gooeys Indie Music

Hipster Problems: Oh, fickle fickle me!

Until recently, I didn’t actually know that these types of issues were actually called “Hipster Problems”.  I just remember that during the pre-CD days. (There I am again, giving away my generation!?), my cousin loved this certain artist.  Finally, when the singer became famous, he said he wasn’t interested in him anymore.  He feels bad

Googly Gooeys Facebook Problems
GOOGLY GOOEYS, internet, social networking

Facebook Problems

Have these Facebook problems been annoying you lately? 🙂 Gone are the days when people were able to separate their online life from the real lives.  Post a photo on Facebook today and even though it doesn’t receive as much likes as your most liked personal photo, you’ll meet people at family gatherings, events or

Googly Gooeys Responding to E mails

Replying to E-mails: Why It Takes Forever

Replying to e-mails is probably already a part of our system everyday.  Sure, we answer social networking comments, tweets, text messages almost immediately (although this is still debatable) but why do some people (including myself) seem to take forever when replying to e-mails? I use my inbox as my to-do list.  I read somewhere that

Googly Gooeys Flowers for You
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Flowers for You!

Different Responses to Flowers for You! Flowers for you! While I was doing the first frame for this post, the idea for this entry just popped up out of nowhere & I had to type it down somewhere very quickly! The last time I heard Ponggo use the line “Flowers for you” was more than


The Googly Gooeys Made it to the I Love Charts Book! :)

As soon as we received news that we made it to the I Love Charts book, we were thrilled!  I Love Charts is one entertaining tumblelog which hosts (you guessed it!) charts.  Haha. We usually associate numbers and lines with our math or economics classes but this blog covers visual maps & graphs about practically everything–song

Googly Gooeys Commercial Jingles

Annoying Commercial Jingles

Commercial Jingles! Ahhhh!? Last night (well, midnight actually), a commercial jingle kept playing inside my head while I was trying to finish something.  It’s not just your ordinary jingle, it’s a rap from a mobile company who has loads of money to buy all the spots on TV, radio and wherever else!  Well, it’s one

Googly Gooeys Social Networking Elements in Real Life Part2
GOOGLY GOOEYS, social networking

Social Networking Elements in Real Life (Part 2)

“What if social networking actions were real?” Part 2! What if you opened your social networking accounts on your birthday only to find out that the greetings were not written on your Facebook wall or Twitter feed but on your real wall?   Have you noticed how people conveniently ended conversations by liking your comment

Googly Gooeys Bourne Legacy

Bourne Legacy: How It Reminds You of Other Movies

Spoiler Alert! Read only if you’ve watched Bourne Legacy 😉 We watched Bourne Legacy yesterday and we kept on associating scenes from the movie from other movies.  Blame it on poor memory and mere confusion but doesn’t this movie remind you of Batman, Twilight, 007 & other sci-fi films? 🙂 I must say though, the scenes

Googly Gooeys Serial Apologist
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

“Sorry, I really am”, said the serial apologist.

Sorry! “I’m sorry”, said the serial apologist.  Now and then, I’m always told how apologetic I am saying sorry for the things that I shouldn’t really be saying for.  It’s almost the default start of my sentence.  It’s as if I’m subconsciously apologizing for my mere existence. Hehe.  I don’t know how many times I’ve

Googly Gooeys Batman The Dark Knight Rises Afterthoughts

The Dark Knight Rises: Some Afterthoughts

Spoiler Alert: Things We Learned from The Dark Knight Rises We watched The Dark Knight Rises last weekend and immediately, I put this post up because I was too excited to blog about it.  Hehe.  Indeed, I was too excited I was jotting down notes while walking inside the mall (seriously, who does that???) because I

Googly Gooeys How People Bond These Days
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, internet

How People Bond These Days

Just look at how people bond these days! Well, this is how people bond these days. Yes, I actually thought that one day, I will eventually run out of comics about the internet.  Well, they’re all mostly here.  There are tons about social networking: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, chat conversations, internet connection, wi-fi signal…I could go

Googly Gooeys Tips on How to be Productive1

Tips on How to be More Productive

Tips on How to be More Productive Productive. That’s how we pretty much want our days want to be.  Well, I’m sharing these tips not because I’m the most producitve person that you’ll find.  Actually, I wrote this down as a reminder to myself.  One day, I was able to go through lots of documents

Googly Gooeys Payphone

Payphone Lyrics by Maroon 5 – Illustrated ;)

Payphone Lyrics by Maroon 5 Illustrated! Payphone Lyrics by Maroon 5: I’ve always wanted to illustrate this already but I always managed skipped it on my checklist. Hehe.  These days though, when I hear the song on the radio, it’s like a nagging reminder that goes, “Hello! It’s been a month! Work on the Payphone post

Googly Gooeys What Did I Write

What Did I Write?

What did I write? Oh no! What did I write? I always get overwhelmed with the many tasks I have on my to-do list.  To solve that: I tried to come up with a priority list.  That way, I know my non-negotiables for the day.  Well, last week.  I didn’t want  to forget a task

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