
Googly Gooeys Signs That Youre Addicted to Frozen2

Signs That You’re Addicted to Frozen

Ever since the Disney movie Frozen was shown in cinemas, you would probably have seen endless tweets and status updates asking about whether or not you wanted to build a snowman. Though I can’t say (yet) that I’m truly addicted to Frozen, I caught myself singing songs from the movie so many times.  *Can you […]

Googly Gooeys Star Trek

Things You Wish For After Watching Star Trek

We watched Star Trek the other night & I must say it wasn’t easy to do this post.  At first, I was thinking, “Oh no!  I should definitely consider the tiniest details & rules the movie has because of its super obsessed fandom!” just in case someone from there accidentally stumbles upon this comic.  Then

Googly Gooeys The Perks of Being Iron Man 5 x 8 8751

The Perks of Being Iron Man

Last Friday, we got to catch Iron Man 3 at the Resorts World Manila thanks to Nuffnang Philippines & Sun Cellular 🙂 Yeah!  If there’s one thing I love about Nuffnang, that’s getting tickets to the best movies all year round ! Doncha worry.  There are no spoilers here…or so I think. 😉  I modified

Googly Gooeys Bond Paper1

James Bond: What Not To Say After Watching The Movie

We watched the latest James Bond Film “Skyfall” earlier this week and while watching, Ponggo & I tried identifying the classic James Bond props, characters, lines & scenes throughout the movie.   When Daniel Craig introduced himself, “I’m Bond. James Bond”, I just can’t help but think, “Hello, I’m bond. Bond paper”.  More “bond” words flooded

Googly Gooeys Bourne Legacy

Bourne Legacy: How It Reminds You of Other Movies

Spoiler Alert! Read only if you’ve watched Bourne Legacy 😉 We watched Bourne Legacy yesterday and we kept on associating scenes from the movie from other movies.  Blame it on poor memory and mere confusion but doesn’t this movie remind you of Batman, Twilight, 007 & other sci-fi films? 🙂 I must say though, the scenes

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