Last Saturday, we were having dinner with some our our friends from the ice. (No, not Antarctica but the ice as in the skating rink you smarty pants!) One of our friends, an Instagrammer (and a certified camwhore), was sitting silently in the corner while we chatted the night away. From time to time, our phones would light up. We’d check it and we’d see pictures of our food and tweets about the ongoing dinner from her. We would laugh & tease her. We would tell her, “Hellooo! We’re here! We’d love it if you said hi to our faces instead of our phones.” We dared her not to document the night via Twitter & Instagram–if she can! She still managed to post a few tweets about the movie we were watching–no longer tagging us of course to avoid unsolicited comments from everyone 😀
Today’s blog post is a collaboration with Ria Macasaet 🙂 It all started with an exchange of tweets about her blog post with a Googly Gooey cartoon in it. Then, after a few e-mails, here’s The Instagrammer Goes on a Date! Ria is a Filipina who’s currently residing in Canada and currently taking up law. In her blog, she generously shares her travel tips, photos and musings. My favorite line from her blog so far is,
A weakness shared is a weakness weakened.”
It’s just honest-to-goodness blogging just the way we all used to enjoy it 🙂 Ponggo & I are officially envious of her Trans-Siberian journey! Ahhh! (When I type “Ahhhh” or “Wahhhh” it just means I’m in a happy wishful thinking /daydreaming state and my mind has ceased to produce a decent sentence of what I’m really feeling at the moment.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post and this is hopefully the first of more collaborations with Ria & the rest of you who are reading this 🙂
Here’s where you can stalk find Ria:
Twitter: @riamacasaet
Instagram: @riamacasaet
P.S. Can’t get enough of this post? More instagram / social networking comics here:
The Thing With Power Banks…
How People Bond These Days
Instagram Hashtags
Signs That You’re Addicted to Instagram!
Social Networking Alphabet (Part 1)
Social Networking Alphabet (Part2)
Social Networking Elements in Real Life (Part 1: Tagging)
this googly gooey is so cute. haha 😀