Facebook Problems

Facebook Problems by The Googly Gooeys "Why? Why should Facebook show the world what stuff I liked?" "B-b-b-b-b-buttt I don't want to shift to timeline" "Pffft! Another invitation to a game!"

Have these Facebook problems been annoying you lately? 🙂

Gone are the days when people were able to separate their online life from the real lives.  Post a photo on Facebook today and even though it doesn’t receive as much likes as your most liked personal photo, you’ll meet people at family gatherings, events or reunions with long-lost friends commenting in real life about what you’ve posted online.  Sure, for a while, we had the luxury of privacy settings: being able to go through each album, list of friends and whatever else, filtering what people could see and what they couldn’t see.  Then the Facebook timeline was introduced (as I’m typing this, the new Twitter format is being rolled out and it sort of looks like the Facebook timeline!) Some were happy about the huge area where they can display their favorite photo some were doubly disgruntled by the fact that the new format is not as pleasing to the eyes as it used to be as well as the fact that it’s public! Ack! Noooooo!

There was a time too when you can finally stop people from seeing what you’ve liked on everyone’s news feeds but Facebook, in the hopes of increasing traffic within its network, just had to bring this back.  Now you have to be careful of what photos you’ve liked.  I remember that years back I was still into Multiply and friends and classmates would always say, “Join Facebook!  It’s fun.  They have so many games.”  Fast forward to x years later and voila, the invitation for games is starting to get a little annoying for everyone.

In the end, though Facebook has changed its format so many times (and yes, we’ve complained about it so many times too), there’s really not much we can do.  (We’re all under the mercy of lord Zuckerberg & his team! Hehehe.)  Anyway, just give it a few months and people will start embracing the new lay-out.

Our tour guide once told us that the people revolted against the Eiffel Tower being erected in the beautiful city of Paris for the World’s Fair.   At that time, it looked like some product of industrial architecture that was out of place in a city with rich with history, filled with sand-colored walls and pretty rooftops.  Well, look which landmark is now officially associated with Paris?

I guess with any change, there’s always some resistance until some people learn to embrace it. Then, they get too comfy with it and will resist change again when something new is introduced–and the funny cycle goes on.    But in this day and age where gadgets are being introduced as fast as the launch of runway collections, we’ll all have to ease up a bit on being anti-change 😉

With this, I’ll leave you with an old cartoon that we only published on our Facebook Page last year:

Googly Gooeys Facebook is just like life... Once you get the hang of it.. It pushes you out of your comfor zone & changes its format.



P.S. Please stop sending me game requests!


More comics on socialnetworking & the internet here:
Social Networking Elements in Real Life (Part 1: Tagging)
The Life (and Death) of Your Social Networking Account
Social Networking Alphabet (Part 1)
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Twitter!
Online Stalkers + Followers: Words Redefined
I Have an Active Social Life
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Facebook
Facebook status bar asks, “What’s on your mind?”
Facebook Timeline Covers from the Googly Gooeys!

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