Author name: ponggo

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Our Dream Travel Destinations

Ponggo & I have been craving for a vacation for the longest time now.  For the past few months, we felt like we were always toiling the day (and night) away.  We’ve been dreaming & daydreaming about these travel destinations: Years ago, a friend of ours who really loves to travel shared with us Air […]

Googly Gooeys The Life of a Cronut

The Life of a Cronut (and Other Food Fads)

The Life of a Cronut & Other Food Fads What’s the latest food fad that you can think of?  Remember how everyone wanted a jar of speculoos or how almost all the bakeries had their own versions of macarons?  Have you noticed how all these cupcake bakeries popped up like mushrooms or how these pancake places

Googly Gooeys Roar Lyrics

Katy Perry – Roar Lyrics (Illustrated)

If you’re reading the blog for the first time today and you’re looking for the main characters Tipsy, the pink goo & Ponggo, the blue goo as promised in the about section, worry not, they haven’t been eaten by a tiger & a lion respectively (even though it may look like it).  In the spirit

Googly Gooeys 5 Signs That Youre Obsessive Compulsive
chart, list

Signs That You’re Obsessive Compulsive

Signs That You’re Obsessive Compulsive: If you ever get to see our house, you know we’re not an obsessive compulsive bunch because it’s always sooo messy.  If you look at my books, they all have these funny random bookmarks, washi tapes, highlights or dog ears–it’s a book lover’s nightmare!  You will also see the same

Googly Gooeys A Taste of Life

A Taste of Life & the INK Fest 2013

A Taste of Life This is dedicated to our good friend Aina who wrote “I can almost taste the weekend” on her status last Thursday to which I responded, “Really? How does it taste like?”.  Thank you for your patience when I take everything too literally.  Thank you too for being there for me when I

Googly Gooeys Appreciation
gadgets, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Appreciating Things

Earlier this year, Mikey, Ponggo & I were busy working on this animated clip.  We were so engrossed and so deeply absorbed into what we were doing to the point that no one was talking to each other.  However, from time to time, we would hear Mikey say, “Oh man! This is just soooo awesome!”

Googly Gooeys Signs That Someone Needs Something From You

When People Need Something From You

  Ahh…when people need something from you…. It’s just so funny how people go great lengths to ask a favor from you.  They’ll befriend you then ignore you and remember your existence again when they need something from you.  Also, the format is always like a spider web where you’re lured into the center and

Googly Gooeys Signs That Youre a Foodie2450

Our Awesome Planet Guest Post: 5 Signs That You’re a Foodie

We were so thrilled when Anton Diaz of Our Awesome Planet, an award-winning food blogger,  invited us to do a guest blog post on his website.  Anton is the organizer of Mercato Centrale, an outdoor market located in Bonifacio Global City, inspired by the outdoor markets of London & Florence.   Anton initially started blogging

Googly Gooeys How We Feel About The Rain

How We Feel About the Rain + MT Spaces

The rain has been unstoppable these days.  Every week I try to do a quick gesture on my phone, I always hope that the drawings on the topmost layer of my updates will change into suns & clouds but no, they’re all lightning, rain & grey skies!  Recently, I’ve been having an on & off

Real Living Cover Page2 You Can Wrap Anything

Things You Can Do With Washi Tape

Today, we’re very honored to have been invited by Heima to talk about their MT Washi Tapes at the Trion Towers, BGC, Taguig City where Real Living Magazine was having their Real Living Space Exhibit–a showcase of the works of 8 interior designers.  To complete the experience, they came up with free DIY workshops, one is

Googly Gooeys How Do I Love Thee

How Do I Love Thee? + Where To Go This Weekend

I don’t know how I can ever escape the topic of food.  For the past couple of weeks, I wrote about why I’m fat, struggled with my diet, and asked if I really looked fat.  Even our supposed technologically inclined entry is still an ode to food!  My friend once told me (as well as

Googly Gooeys Other Uses of a Mobile Phone
communication, gadgets, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Other Uses of a Mobile Phone

Every time I have to convince a friend to join us on a scary theme park ride, they always ask, “What’s the point of all this? Why do we need to scare ourselves?”  I go on gladly explaining that we are living in a time & place (at least within 200 kilometers of where I

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