Other Uses of a Mobile Phone

Other Uses of a Mobile Phone

Every time I have to convince a friend to join us on a scary theme park ride, they always ask, “What’s the point of all this? Why do we need to scare ourselves?”  I go on gladly explaining that we are living in a time & place (at least within 200 kilometers of where I live) where there’s no war or famine to attend to, humans, being bored with their lives in general, have actually invented a way to conveniently stare at death in the face in a safe kind of way.  Well, look at our concerns these days: how to look younger, how to tone one’s body, eating the right food et cetera.  Imagine: none of these would be our concerns if we lived in the cave(wo)man era where we always had to chase our food or at certain times, our food would have to chase us (Gym & yoga fees instantly waived! Woohoo!) and what we will be eating will always be fresh & organic! O_O

Then, there’s the selfie / me generation where our concerns have been reduced to our image online.  Just like fireflies, we’re helplessly attracted to the brightness of the screens of our mobile phones—we can’t even put it down even even in a social setting.  I believe, mobile phones & beepers *Oops, why do I know about beepers? Am I that old?* were initially invented for the use of doctors and businessmen so that they can be reached in the soonest possible time for emergencies.  Well, look at our types of emergencies today?  More so, the other uses of a mobile phone in a self-obsessed kind of way.

All these years, we have invented solutions to our problems and now that most of them are gone, there are new (mundane) ones that have replaced them.

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