
Googly Gooeys Busy

Busy People & the Hey Kessy Messy Washi Party

Busy people these apparently have time to update their Facebook status that they’re busy, complain about their workload on Twitter, take a picture of the pile of work they have to tackle on Instagram, Foursquare the cafe they’re working at, and give their audience a blow by blow account of how much stuff they still


Reasons Why You’re Not Yet Done With Your Work

There’s still so much on my to-do list that I have yet to tackle.  I never really ran out of work to do.  Then again, I realized that I have this bad habit of squeezing in activities into weekends & holidays because I get restless when I’m not busy. *I think I have a disease*

Googly Gooeys Questions Answers
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers: I wonder if other couples also spend time doing nothing but trying to beat & outwit their partners for fun. Ha! 😉 More comics about Tipsy & Ponggo here: Signs That You’re in Love Reading Too Much Into Things & Dissecting Phrases Who’s Calling You? Keeping Secrets The Value of Honesty in

Googly Gooeys Why Elevators are Like People

Why Elevators are Like People & The Nuffnang Blogopolis

This post is dedicated to @_PurpleRose_ on Twitter–a fellow Rusher & Netizen 😉 I promised her months ago that if I ever come up with an elevator post, I’d dedicate it to her 🙂 Elevators have now become an integral part of my life. *How dramatic and formal!*  Through the years I’ve had (more than)

Googly Gooeys How the Grammar Nazi Reads
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, grammar

The Grammar Nazi: How He Reads

This post is dedicated to our good friend and certified grammar Nazi Apsie who has such a keen eye for typo’s and a grammar foundation of steel. 🙂 I can’t even begin to judge other articles or writers.  I’ve committed wayyyy too many typo’s in the past! More grammar posts here. More grumpy posts here

Googly Gooeys How People Look at the Menu2

Look at the Menu!

  “Look at the menu, what do you see?” This is probably not the question your psychologist will ask you but anything you say about anything says a lot about you 😉 *Looks like someone was lazy enough to check the Thesaurus to make the previous sentence less redundant. Ha!* Related Posts (Ooh! I didn’t

Googly Gooeys Types of Files

Computer File Types: Ninja Files & More!

Some Computer File Types! Nope. Let’s do away with the real file types & file extensions for a bit.  Hmm…I’m actually a bit paranoid about having too many files that fall under #’s 1 & 3!  I have to back-up my files real soon before they turn into #2 or #5! *Ahhhh…rushes to the nearest

Googly Gooeys Indie Music

Hipster Problems: Oh, fickle fickle me!

Until recently, I didn’t actually know that these types of issues were actually called “Hipster Problems”.  I just remember that during the pre-CD days. (There I am again, giving away my generation!?), my cousin loved this certain artist.  Finally, when the singer became famous, he said he wasn’t interested in him anymore.  He feels bad

Googly Gooeys Signs That Youre in Love
GOOGLY GOOEYS, list, relationship

Signs That You’re in Love

If you’ve been a reader of this site since late last year, you would probably know that Tipsy & Ponggo are married. To avoid all confusion, let’s just pretend that we’re back both back in high school / college and these are the probable scenarios.  Because webcomics are so limited, here are some notes about

Googly Gooeys How I Wake Up on Weekdays vs Weekends

How I Wake Up on Weekends vs. Weekdays

This is definitely how I wake up on weekends vs. weekdays!  My body clock loves waking me up after having exactly 6 hours of sleep!  Yesterday, I woke up at 5:45am and now, after coming home from the Bloom Arts Festival at 2am, I’m wide awake & blogging at 8:30am. *Doingk* Who blogs in the

Googly Gooeys We Won1
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

We Won! Woohoo!

    We won! We mostly stayed home the past two weekends and we were glued to our laptops chasing deadlines, fixing the site etc while the TV was on. (Exciting, I know. *sarcastic*)  There were a lot of competitions lately: the recent local cheer dancing competition, the local intercollegiate basketball league (i.e. UAAP) &

Googly Gooeys Facebook Problems
GOOGLY GOOEYS, internet, social networking

Facebook Problems

Have these Facebook problems been annoying you lately? 🙂 Gone are the days when people were able to separate their online life from the real lives.  Post a photo on Facebook today and even though it doesn’t receive as much likes as your most liked personal photo, you’ll meet people at family gatherings, events or

Googly Gooeys Responding to E mails

Replying to E-mails: Why It Takes Forever

Replying to e-mails is probably already a part of our system everyday.  Sure, we answer social networking comments, tweets, text messages almost immediately (although this is still debatable) but why do some people (including myself) seem to take forever when replying to e-mails? I use my inbox as my to-do list.  I read somewhere that

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