
Googly Gooeys The Thing With Powerbanks 1

The Thing With Power Banks…

I always forget to bring my power bank.  If I ever do, it’s the one that I forgot to charge! I thought was the only one then I ran a Twitter survey and got these results: Apparently, there’s a lot of us! *Whew!* Hehehe. I don’t know why I do this to myself.  I’m also […]

02 Xiaomi Bunny w Ponggo IMG 2429

Xiaomi Redmi Phone and Plushie Giveaway

Hello Readers, We’ve been a bit pensive the past copule of days so let’s make it a bit light today, shall we? 🙂 Are you ready??? Last year, during our trip to Europe, we brought with us the Xiaomi Redmi Phone so we can all test it out for ya.   We were so curious

Googly Gooeys My Phone I Lately
gadgets, social networking

A Love-Hate Relationship With My Phone

If I ever have a go-to gadget, that would be my phone because I can do anything from writing a blog post to answering e-mails, taking care of all our social networking sites, coordinating things and chatting with friends.  But there are also things I do that make me hate it so much: 1. Mindless

Googly Gooeys Mixed Reactions to Flappy Bird 450px
gadgets, gaming, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Flappy Bird Will Be Deleted

Over the family dinner, Ponggo’s sister introduced us to the Flappy Bird App.  If you still haven’t tried it, you should download it from the App store nowwwwww!  It’s very light and you’ll find yourself playing in no time! *Did I just sound like an ad?*   At first glance, you’ll think, “Ooh, reminds me

Googly Gooeys Flipagram Bandwagon

A Colorful Year in Review

So, I was going through my Instagram feed the other day & I was wondering why everyone was so into this app & this is what happened… I’ve been looking for an app where I can load all my photos at the same time for months now but I didn’t know what it was. So

Googly Gooeys Appreciation
gadgets, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Appreciating Things

Earlier this year, Mikey, Ponggo & I were busy working on this animated clip.  We were so engrossed and so deeply absorbed into what we were doing to the point that no one was talking to each other.  However, from time to time, we would hear Mikey say, “Oh man! This is just soooo awesome!”

Googly Gooeys Other Uses of a Mobile Phone
communication, gadgets, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Other Uses of a Mobile Phone

Every time I have to convince a friend to join us on a scary theme park ride, they always ask, “What’s the point of all this? Why do we need to scare ourselves?”  I go on gladly explaining that we are living in a time & place (at least within 200 kilometers of where I

Googly Gooeys Android Popsicle1
gadgets, gaming, geek, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Android Kitkat: What’s Next?

The Android KitKat has just been launched.  We stared at the icon and we saw that it can be a popsicle / twin popsies / ice pops or whatever you’re supposed to call it these days.  Android started with Cupcake, Doughnut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jellybean and ta-daahh…they now have that wafer

Googly Gooeys Types of Files

Computer File Types: Ninja Files & More!

Some Computer File Types! Nope. Let’s do away with the real file types & file extensions for a bit.  Hmm…I’m actually a bit paranoid about having too many files that fall under #’s 1 & 3!  I have to back-up my files real soon before they turn into #2 or #5! *Ahhhh…rushes to the nearest

Googly Gooeys Desktop Full of Icons
gadgets, outer space

Desktop Full of Icons –That Annoying Vicious Cycle

Is your desktop full of icons? If your desktop is full of icons, chances are, not so long ago, when you had the chance to properly save your first file, you were thinking, “Nah…I’ll do it later”.  Then, when you had the chance to fix your desktop, you thought, “I’ll still survive. I’ll clean my

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