Search Results for: chocolates

Googly Gooeys Maslows Hierarchy of Needs the Selfie
chart, GOOGLY GOOEYS, social networking

The Moment Cam & Why People Love Taking Selfies

You’ve already heard so many times how people would complain about other people who are addicted to taking photos of themselves.  Call it self-love, obsession, vanity or whatever term but you can’t help but be puzzled as to what could possibly be the motivation behind it.  There are thousands (or even millions) of other subjects […]

Googly Gooeys I Wish

My Grown-up Christmas List

Dear Santa, This Christmas, I’m not even wishing for a toy, a Lego house or a set of art materials. Apparently, the things I’m wishing for these days are stuff that cannot be bought or sold! Here’s my grown-up Christmas list: 1) I wish it would rain chocolates! -I’d also like to be specific about

Googly Gooeys This Is Why Im Fat

This is Why I am Fat

If there are two things that I really need to enroll myself in right now, they would probably be: 1) Yoga classes for inner peace & less fats in the inner thighs and 2) Chocoholics Anonymous–or something like it. “Hello! My name is Tipsy!” “Today, I successfully walked away from a convenience store while I

Googly Gooeys Not Eating

I’m on a Diet! + Flight 001 has landed!

I think the problem with saying “I’m NOT going to eat” so many times is that what registers in your brain is the last word and not the verb.  Anyone with me in this struggle?   Is this true or is it just true?  The other day, as I was about to get up, I

Googly Gooeys Am I Fat

Am I Fat?

Every time I hear the word “riddle”, the first word that comes to mind is “Sphinx”.  According to the myth, those who cannot answer her question end up suffering.  Fast-forward to the modern day and voila, there are no sphinxes waiting to devour us if we fail.  However, questions that we dare not answer still

Googly Gooeys That Moment When Your Fave Food is Out of Stock

That Moment When… & The Design Taxi Feature

This post is dedicated to my favorite bar of chocolates: During the past two weeks, I noticed that my go-to gas station doesn’t have any stock of my favorite bar of dark chocolate! I know the temporary absence of chocolate won’t kill me and that I’m just over reacting by dedicating a few hours of

Googly Gooeys Pretty Food

Pretty Food + Art in the Park

Ponggo & I noticed that if I posted a photo of macarons on Instagram ( and I would put #macarons & #food on it, it gets a lot of likes more than most of the posts!  Sadly, it gets more likes than the projects that I’ve painstakingly worked on with some clients or photos of

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