If Google Suggestions Were a Person (Part2)
Google suggestions can be frank and tactless 🙂
Google suggestions can be frank and tactless 🙂
Hooray for Free Desktop Icons! 🙂 Go to the Googly Gooey Goodies Page to download the free desktop icons 🙂 Well, the thing is, we’ve always wanted to thank each one of you guys for simply being your usual awesome generous selves & spending time here on the site. We figured that a T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U message
Watch out for googlygooeys.com 2.0! :)) We’re moving to a new place real soon. While we’re fixing our site, you can still access our blog throughgooglygooeys.tumblr.com XOXO, Tipsy & Ponggo ❤
When you’re too talkative… Too talkative for your own good? Have you ever tried talking about something, you have too many side comments & you eventually forget what you’re supposed to say? 😉 I hate it each time this happens. I also get annoyed when I know that I know what I’m supposed to say
Why so serious? Why so serious? Seriously, I’m not that serious 😉 It’s just amazing that sometimes, we pre-judge people on how we think they are based on first impressions or their favorite expressions. Some people may look serious or arrogant when in fact we just caught them during the time when they were really
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Draw Something I was addicted to Draw Something for a while. I kept on seeing “Let’s play Draw Something” on my Twitter feed. I was finally intrigued & I downloaded the app! My first day was torturous. I can’t seem to let go of my phone. Also, it’s a
If Google Suggestions Were a Person Ever encountered someone who acted like Google Suggestions? You know, the person who won’t let anyone finish speaking? The one who completes everyone’s sentences? The one who keeps on guessing what the other person will say next? The person who can actually destroy a good conversation? Well, let me
Geeky Pick Up Lines Geeky pick up lines: These are probably the lines you’d love reading on any social networking platform but not necessarily the type that you’d like a girl or a guy say to you! I was driving the other day and some random thought crossed my mind. I realized, scientific & mathematical
that moment when you get new bills… What do you usually do when you get new bills? This cartoon was suggested by & dedicated to My Eraser Is Gone by the way 🙂 We were talking the other day & he observed how funny it is how some people get attached to their new bills because
The Breakup The Breakup: Sorry guys, I guess this is it..We’re filing for divorce! Yep, this relationship has been very stressful you see: having to keep up with annoying habits, the difference in our sleeping patterns, our preferences in movies to watch and the list goes on and on. Yep, sadly, we’ll have to close this
After 3,000 years of sleeping, the mummy bargains for 5 more minutes! 🙂 This cartoon was made back in the day when we were still experimenting with what we wanted the Googly Gooey to be. Then, we had a Googly Ninja (guguri ninja) and Mr. Snooze the sleepy mummy as one of the few
Facebook Status Bar Asks Facebook status bar asks, “What’s on your mind?” The only answer that I can think about is food. It’s amusing how the different social networks have different compelling statements such as “What’s happening?” “Search” “Like” “Unfollow” “Follow” et cetera. There are days when I’d like to think of Facebook as the
Toothpaste Issues! Toothpaste Issues: As a newly married couple, this is what we’re dealing with right now. I used to have my own bathroom and there was no one to complain about how I squeezed my toothpaste tube. Well, yes, occasionally my parents would complain about it but I didn’t act on it since I