When you’re too talkative…
Too talkative for your own good? Have you ever tried talking about something, you have too many side comments & you eventually forget what you’re supposed to say? 😉 I hate it each time this happens. I also get annoyed when I know that I know what I’m supposed to say but it’s just at the tip of my tongue!! Then again, that’s because I have too many side comments. Why? Because I want to justify all my statements. Why? Because a counter-argument comes up in my mind & I just want to refute anyone who wants to interrupt me just so comment about what I said…then….then…I lose the topic I had in mind. *doingk*
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Yikes. I do that sometimes, moreso when I’m not so comfy with a certain crowd/person , I tend to blabber, talk aimlessly, to avoid awkward silences ending up sometimes in more awkwardness..acck.