
Googly Gooeys You Must Be Pregnant

You Must Be Pregnant

You Must Be Pregnant! Well, first of all, this is not an April Fool’s joke.  Read on! 🙂 If you’re my age or in my situation when you’re married for a good number of years, people are expecting you to have a kid already.  It’s just getting asked when you’re going to have a boyfriend […]

Googly Gooeys How I Work 1000 pixels1

Work and Inspiration

Yesterday, I was trying to finish a project.  I was really excited to work on it but I initially thought that it would take me one whoooooole day or even two days to complete a template.  To my surprise, it took me only 3 hours all in all!  Well, actually, it took me 5.5 hours

Googly Gooeys Mixed Reactions About the Holidays

Christmas Season: Mixed Reactions

If Christmas season were a movie, it’ll probably be the type that’ll get mixed reviews.  It’s a blockbuster and the worst movie in one!  It has a love-hate relationship with all those who celebrate it.  I’m all for Christmas and the joy of being together with family & friends laughing & relaxing and such.  However,

Googly Gooeys You Just Did May17
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, moody

You Just Did

You Just Did: Isn’t it amazing how people say that they’re not going to tell you anything when by doing so, they just did? People also ask permission to ask a question when in the process of doing so, they just asked a question. It’s like asking people to respond to your question “Are you

communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, moody, relationship

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned: (This post is dedicated to our good friend Aina Banana who gives the best advice ever! Low fat milk for the win!) If you’ve been following our blog, you will see that as a couple, we have our great and not so great days. Usually, we argue but now we just keep quiet

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