
Googly Gooeys Analog Photography 101 a Collaboration with Aleyn

Analog Photography 101: a Collaboration with Aleyn Comprendio

Tips on Analog photography : A Collaboration with Aleyn Comprendio Analog Photography is something that people are definitely missing these days.  You’ll find tutorials on how to edit digital photos to make them look vintage and of course, there’s everyone’s fascination with Instagram!  But all these are just attempts to bring back analog photography! Speaking of

Sago Project Orange Photos

Hello hello! :)

    Hello hello! 🙂 I promised myself that I should be spending more time offline during this long weekend (at least here in the Philippines). So I did. I bought a new set of markers & voila–got stuck doodling on oanother land. Here are some doodles I made this weekend. I also spent time

Wedding Invite Behind the Scenes

Just in case you’ve been wondering where we’ve been for the past few days, we got a bit busy with our personal project for a big day late this year :P More photos on our photos & projects blog —

Just in case you’ve been wondering where we’ve been for the past few days, we got a bit busy with our personal project for a big day late this year 😛 More photos on our photos & projects blog — thesagoproject 🙂 thesagoproject:   A Sneak Peak These are a bunch of photos we took last

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