Flatlay 101 + Arts & Crafts Workshop with Canon Printers

We’ve had a series of free arts and crafts workshops and design talks with Canon Printers over the past year. While I’ve shared snippets throughout my social channels, a good number of you who couldn’t come (either because of time or location constraints) wanted to see more and so I thought why not make a proper diary entry here on the blog! Also, this is my excuse to record these memories. *wink wink*

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The workshop we’ve had last month is perhaps one of our most requested ones. A lot of you would often ask us about how we style and shoot our flatlays and social media content. Truth is, we spend a lot of time preparing for them since we’d have to actually draw or assemble the crafts ahead of time. Styling is another concept altogether too and to make our job of marrying colors easier, we specifically print the colors and patterns we need using our trusty Canon Printers. (We have a G3000 and G4000 at home and we love how good they are at capturing hues especially the ever elusive teal! We use them to print literally everything.)

The attendees were treated to a crafting kit where they got to make their own props from color palettes to paper gems to cards and so much more. We also gave them a quick roundup about how to get accurate colors when printing, how to shoot, how to curate and plan social media content and that we should always remember that what we see online is often just a collection of everyone’s highlight reel. 🙂

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Overall, it was a fun afternoon at the Canon Image Square in SM Aura. Thank you so much to the hubby for these photos and to Anne for all the help with preparing the workshop. The time just flew by and before we knew it was time to eat cake! Thank you so much to everyone who chose to spend their day with us (and to each and everyone who has filled up every seat during our previous workshops). Til the next ones!

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PS. We’ve got more arts and crafts workshops with Canon Printers this year. Click here for a complete list of upcoming events or subscribe to our newsletter to receive a heads up straight to your inbox:

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PPS. Here are some useful links to all the crafts we’ve made using our trusty Canon Printers. Enjoy!

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