
Googly Gooeys You Just Did May17
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, moody

You Just Did

You Just Did: Isn’t it amazing how people say that they’re not going to tell you anything when by doing so, they just did? People also ask permission to ask a question when in the process of doing so, they just asked a question. It’s like asking people to respond to your question “Are you […]

communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, moody, relationship

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned: (This post is dedicated to our good friend Aina Banana who gives the best advice ever! Low fat milk for the win!) If you’ve been following our blog, you will see that as a couple, we have our great and not so great days. Usually, we argue but now we just keep quiet

Googly Gooeys Big Gestures
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Big Gestures

Big Gestures: Well, there are different types of gestures: kind gestures, romantic gestures, iconic gestures then there are the big gestures that I make–the awkward kind. I end up hitting the people behind me or beside me. I usually end up accidentally swatting a stranger while walking backwards and talking to someone in a crowded

Googly Gooeys I Know Right
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

I Know Right?

I used to say “Awww…That’s so sad” all the time Ponggo asked me to change my expression since, according to him, it sounds annoying and a bit indifferent and shallow. I changed it to “Oh wow” and after saying it so many times, he said I sounded as if I’m not really amazed and that

Googly Gooeys Saying Yes1
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Saying Yes (and Learning How to Say No)

I don’t know how many times I’ve been through this cycle: 1) I find myself saying yes to a friend’s / ex-officemates’ request 2) I feel happy I’m helping them & that it’s another opportunity for me to learn new things & experiment with arts, props, pictures and colorful things I     love. 3)

Googly Gooeys Predictably Unpredictable 4 frames
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, grammar, relationship

Predictably Unpredictable

Predictably Unpredictable: People tend to expect consistency but you also have to have a good amount of predictable unpredictability. More about the Wordplay here: Spelling Awkward An Important Call If Google Suggestions Were a Person (Part1) If Google Suggestions Were a Person When You’re Too Talkative for your own good. P.S. Credits goes to Will

Googly Gooeys Gazillion Times
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, math, relationship

A Gazillion Times

A Gazillion Times First of all, my source of happiness today is the fact that I’m finally able to include those colorful washi tapes as (part of my useless) props behind Tipsy! I don’t know what is it with washi tapes.  Staring at them makes me happy. (Me & my color fixations…) I think I

Googly Gooeys Important Call1
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, toilet

An Important Call

Usually, we have the option to answer a call or not. Then again, if it’s an important call–especially from nature–we simply can’t refuse! More bathroom & phone call toons here: How People Answer Calls When They’ve Just Woken Up Calling Each Other Back The Toothpaste Issue Smartphones in Bathrooms Singing Inside The Bathroom: Expectations vs.

Googly Gooeys Vague Answers Suggested by Raine Rafael
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Vague Answers

By the way, thanks to Raine Rafael who suggested this topic via Twitter who is coincidentally the first person who unlocked the secret page on our Click & Win Promo. Check out her blog here. Some people want to be polite and they give vague answers because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Yes,

GG if google suggestions were a person
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

If Google Suggestions Were a Person…

If Google Suggestions Were a Person Ever encountered someone who acted like Google Suggestions? You know, the person who won’t let anyone finish speaking?  The one who completes everyone’s sentences?  The one who keeps on guessing what the other person will say next?  The person who can actually destroy a good conversation? Well, let me

GG short replies
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Short Replies

Short Replies : Don’t you just hate it when you eagerly start a conversation and all you get are short replies? O_o sometimes, getting replies like these are annoying… or sometimes funny depending on your mood 🙂 o? ok? k? what else is on the list? Not a fan of short replies, Tipsy

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