10 Tips on Social Media and Content Creation: Blogopolis 2018

I can remember the first time the hubby and I were asked to speak in front of so many people and the introvert in me was anxious. But at the same time, I didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity to share my insights and learnings with fellow creatives and individuals. More importantly, the experience taught me to better compose and go through my thoughts and ideas and the manner in which I can effectively communicate them through words and visuals. This year, we got to do that all over again at Nuffnang’s Blogopolis: The Digital Journey as we talked about “How Content Creators Take Advantage of Different Mediums”.


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Blogopolis was also the perfect opportunity for us to listen and learn from the other speakers and here are our favorites points:

“Never stop learning. Continuously add value to yourself and your work.”


“Creativity is the only way to survive.”


“We are confusing attention with attraction. Engagement is the currency.”


“Build Communities Offline: Find. Create. Lead your tribe.”


“We don’t buy brands. We buy feelings.”


“If you were to die today, what legacy would you like to leave? “


“How do we move from making ads to telling stories? (1) Find a meaningful role to play in people’s lives. (2) Unlock your powerful truth, and make sure it’s well told.”


#KwentongJollibee Formula: (1) Purpose. (2) Know Your Audience. It’s about the story that goes beyond the really nice product shots.”

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If I could highlight important points during our talk it would be these two:

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“If you want to follow your dreams, you have to be willing to do admin work.”

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“Real relationship will always beat algorithms.”

Quick throwback to the previous Blogopolis! Waaaah where did the time go? (Also truly grateful for each and every opportunity and the learnings that come with them.)

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Of course aside from all the brain food, Blogopolis was also the perfect excuse to hang out with friends from the industry. Congrats to all the Nuffie Awards nominees and winners too! smilelaughing

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Til the next Blogopolis! How about you, what’s your digital journey?

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