
Googly Gooeys Which Character Are You for Halloween1

Halloween Character Quiz & the Nuffie Awards

  Hello Folks! We’re back! We’ve been vampires for the past few days with grueling working hours–mostly offline and often staying up late to finish some things!  But just like Frankenstein, we’re grateful to be aliiiive and grateful too for all things that have been coming our way although we still feel a bit zombie-ish […]

Morning Person

Not Much of a Morning Person

Hello There! Tipsy here. I’m the morning person between the two of us. Ponggo’s such a night owl we actually joke to our friends that we only get to talk to each other somewhere between lunch time and early evening.  He always sleeps at past midnight.   He loves working at night because for him, it’s

Googly Gooeys Signs That Youre in Love
GOOGLY GOOEYS, list, relationship

Signs That You’re in Love

If you’ve been a reader of this site since late last year, you would probably know that Tipsy & Ponggo are married. To avoid all confusion, let’s just pretend that we’re back both back in high school / college and these are the probable scenarios.  Because webcomics are so limited, here are some notes about

GG happy halloween

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween in advance! 🙂 Something’s brewing! 🙂 We’ll be back in a few days to work on some new stuff for you guys. Meanwhile, this is the best time to check out the archives or the complete posts on Facebook . Click here for more Halloween stuff.

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