Halloween Character Quiz & the Nuffie Awards


Googly Gooeys Which Halloween Character are You

Hello Folks! We’re back! We’ve been vampires for the past few days with grueling working hours–mostly offline and often staying up late to finish some things!  But just like Frankenstein, we’re grateful to be aliiiive and grateful too for all things that have been coming our way although we still feel a bit zombie-ish & lethargic–partly because we’re still recovering from that long weekend and still partly in denial that we have to work again this long weekend (while the rest of the people we know are having a vacation out-of-town or out-of-the- country). *Wails & dies a little inside*  We’re still feeling a bit like mummies–wrapped in our blankets, it’s getting harder and harder for us to wake up each day and just like bats, we’ll be cooped up in our bat cave this weekend to take off a good chunk from our to-do list!

How about you? Which Halloween character have you been feeling like lately?

Anyway, whatever costume you’re donning tonight (in this side of the world), tomorrow night or whether you might be in a pumpkin patch somewhere absorbing all the orange-ness of the season, Happy Halloween!

More Halloween Posts here:
Happy Halloween from the Googly Gooeys
Halloween Party Ideas: What You Shouldn’t Do on Halloween!
Vampire Costumes for Halloween: Then & Now
The Dark Knight Rises: Some Afterthoughts
Deadly Deadlines: Why Deadlines are Like Ghosts
Magical vs. Muggle World

Blogopolis Nomination Web Meiser

Blogopolis 2013 Nominee

Thank you to our Nuffnang Family!  We feel so grateful  that we have been nominated in this year’s Nuffie Awards!  We were nominated for the category “Web Meister” which is the category for Best Blog Layout 2013.   We’re so honored and overwhelmed to be sharing the same category with blogging celebrities & friends: Erwan Heussaff, Laureen Uy, Kryz Uy, Jackie Go, Tin Iglesias and David Guison.  Please vote for our tiny & humble colorful abode on the www if you think we deserve to win this category by clicking on “Nuffie Awards” on the Blogopolis page.  (It’s the last category) 🙂

Meanwhile, as much as we’re excited for the Nuffie Awards, we will also be sharing with you our tips & tricks on preparing a Social Media Kit which aims to change the way you look at your blog and how you can possibly collaborate with sponsors & advertisers.  You think the blogging world is just about sheer numbers?  Think again 😉

Googly Gooeys Speaers at the Blogopolis 2013

A lot of speakers such as Abe Olandres of Yugatech.com & Jim Paredes will also be sharing their insights on topics like: How to Create a Successful Blogging Event, How to Guide Back Traffic to Your Blog Using Social Media, How to Make Make Social Media Advertising Effective, Going Viral & Podcasting.  This event is not just for aspiring bloggers, existing bloggers, social media managers, advertisers, brand managers, brand owners & business(wo)men who would like to maximize the power of social media! 🙂

Don’t wait before it’s too late and get your Blogopolis 2013 today! 🙂


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