baby diaries

Riley in Recaro Preview Image
GOOGLY GOOEYS, baby diaries, riley

An Ounce of Gratefulness

Riley just had his first Trick or Treat yesterday & this was his costume 😀 Hello Guys! 🙂 It’s been a crazy busy month as I try to meet all my deadlines before flying to Singapore!  I’ve been wanting to write a blog post but I: (a) eventually fall asleep while trying to put Riley

Googly Gooeys Baby Spam Then Now
baby diaries, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Baby Spamming: Happy One Week Riley!

Well, this is it! I can’t believe I’m actually writing a blog post about our son Riley. These days, I’m always thinking “He’s here! He’s finally here!”  But, days before I gave birth, after ten months of waiting, the thought of having a son was still an idea.  I said I have yet to believe

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