
05 Malaysia Vertical IMG 3034
adult coloring page, googly goodies, GOOGLY GOOEYS, hong kong, iceland, ilocos, iloilo, italy, la union, macau, makati, malaysia, metro manila, new york, outer space, paris, road trips, rome, tagaytay, TRAVEL

Coloring Book Hits Bookstores This Week

Somewhere between waiting to give birth and just having finished a project, I’m actually laughing about the title I just made.  It’s as if I’m doing a feature of a product in the third person. Well, Around the World with the Googly Gooeys will be available in National Bookstore branches this week! 🙂 At first, […]

Googly Gooeys 10 Reasons to Visit Iceland 400 pixels

10 Reasons to Visit Iceland this 2015

I still can’t believe that we’ve been to Iceland.  It still feels like a dream except for the fact that I have pictures to prove to myself that we were really there!  It has been on my bucket list for the longest time but it always seemed impossible!  Booyeah!  Anyway, I’m incredibly paranoid while I’m

Googly Gooeys Iceland What We Miss

Iceland: Blue Lagoon and Glacier Walk

You know you’ve truly fallen in love with a country when you still dream about it almost every single night a week after your trip.  I swear, this is weird but when I wake up every morning, my last vivid memory is that of myself at a random place in Iceland looking for a shoot

Googly Gooeys Big Blog X for Instagram
adult coloring page, amsterdam, baguio, boracay, contest, DESIGN, florence, GOOGLY GOOEYS, hiking, hong kong, iceland, iloilo, italy, la union, macau, makati, malaysia, metro manila, new york, paris, TRAVEL

Of Wanderlust and the Big Blog Exchange 2014

I’ve always been daydreaming about the day that I would just be staying at some random place in the world, travelling, blogging and working.  So, when I stumbled upon the Big Blog Exchange website approaching the long weekend in August, I got really excited.  Well, at first, I panicked.  How do we get everyone to vote when

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