
Morning Person

Not Much of a Morning Person

Hello There! Tipsy here. I’m the morning person between the two of us. Ponggo’s such a night owl we actually joke to our friends that we only get to talk to each other somewhere between lunch time and early evening.  He always sleeps at past midnight.   He loves working at night because for him, it’s

Googly Gooeys Breakfast for McDonalds

Hooray for Today: Start Your Day Right With Breakfast!

    Hellooooo! Good morning! As I’m writing this blog post,  half of the city is still asleep and getting their extra ZzzZz’s.  Yep, I’m a morning person.  On weekdays, I have to wake up at 6:30am to do some errands and drive to my work.  My day always starts early to the point that

Googly Gooeys Origami Tutorial2

Colorful Paper Cubes: An Origami Tutorial

First of all, I’d like to thank my friend Joyce for posting a photo of her paper cubes on Instagram and infecting me with the origami virus and generously teaching me how to do this.  To whomever originally invented these paper cubes in Japan, thank you! 🙂 For some of you who are already following us on

Googly Gooeys Tips on How to Get Organized with Filed Folders

Get Organized with Filed Folders!

Get organized! Well, the first step in organizing your life is organizing your stuff. Hehe. Just imagine the amount of time you’ll save not having to look for things when you need them the most!  The new school year is just around the corner (at least in this side of the world) and aside from

Googly Gooeys Big Gestures
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS

Big Gestures

Big Gestures: Well, there are different types of gestures: kind gestures, romantic gestures, iconic gestures then there are the big gestures that I make–the awkward kind. I end up hitting the people behind me or beside me. I usually end up accidentally swatting a stranger while walking backwards and talking to someone in a crowded

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An Animated Happy Easter Greeting! :)

Happy Easter! Hey, hey, hey! Happy Easter everyone! 🙂 If you missed our animated post this morning, click here.  Yup, our good friend My Eraser Is Gone helped us animate this post.  It was fun doing this.  I had no idea how hard animation is but Mikey (a.k.a. Mr. My Eraser is Gone) makes it look too

GG crispy bills

That Moment When You Get New Bills…

that moment when you get new bills… What do you usually do when you get new bills?  This cartoon was suggested by & dedicated to My Eraser Is Gone by the way 🙂 We were talking the other day & he observed how funny it is how some people get attached to their new bills because

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Got Pins

  It’s 21 days before Christmas. Got no gifts for your friends yet? The Googly Gooey pins are now available! 🙂

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