aleyn comprendio

Googly Gooeys Pretty Food

Pretty Food + Art in the Park

Ponggo & I noticed that if I posted a photo of macarons on Instagram ( and I would put #macarons & #food on it, it gets a lot of likes more than most of the posts!  Sadly, it gets more likes than the projects that I’ve painstakingly worked on with some clients or photos of

Googly Gooeys Tips on How to Decorate Your Home a Collaboration with Heima1

Heima in Bloom & Some Tips on How to Decorate Your Home!

I first stumbled upon Heima when I visited a photographer’s studio a couple of years ago. I asked the photographer where he had his place designed & he handed me a postcard with the interior designer’s details on it.  That night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face knowing that there was actually a

Googly Gooeys Analog Photography 101 a Collaboration with Aleyn

Analog Photography 101: a Collaboration with Aleyn Comprendio

Tips on Analog photography : A Collaboration with Aleyn Comprendio Analog Photography is something that people are definitely missing these days.  You’ll find tutorials on how to edit digital photos to make them look vintage and of course, there’s everyone’s fascination with Instagram!  But all these are just attempts to bring back analog photography! Speaking of

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