The Googly Gooeys Made it to the I Love Charts Book! :)
As soon as we received news that we made it to the I Love Charts book, we were thrilled! I Love Charts is one entertaining tumblelog which hosts (you guessed it!) charts. Haha. We usually associate numbers and lines with our math or economics classes but this blog covers visual maps & graphs about practically everything–song
Instagram Hashtags : Number of Hashtags vs. Attention Needed Chart
Instagram Hashtags Instagram hashtags is subject to abuse these days. Well, for one, I was guilty of going on a hashtagging spree each time I posted on Instagram until our friend Paolo (a.k.a. @lbosquejo) pointed out over lunch at how his Instagram experience seems to get disrupted by paragraph long hashtags. After that, I made sure
Geeky Pick Up Lines ;)
Geeky Pick Up Lines Geeky pick up lines: These are probably the lines you’d love reading on any social networking platform but not necessarily the type that you’d like a girl or a guy say to you! I was driving the other day and some random thought crossed my mind. I realized, scientific & mathematical
How much time do you spend skipping tracks when listening to music? More music? Click here.
How much time do you spend skipping tracks when listening to music? More music? Click here.