Hey Kessy

Googly Gooeys Ways to Beat the Summer Heat

5 Ways to Beat the Summer Heat!

We were literally melting last weekend! Okay, not literally.  Then again, the weather has proved to be crazy.  The summer heat (at least in this side of the world) has been testing our nerves and sanity.  Well, Saturday morning until afternoon wasn’t so bad but when we bought yogurt & milk tea to cool us […]

Googly Gooeys Busy

Busy People & the Hey Kessy Messy Washi Party

Busy people these apparently have time to update their Facebook status that they’re busy, complain about their workload on Twitter, take a picture of the pile of work they have to tackle on Instagram, Foursquare the cafe they’re working at, and give their audience a blow by blow account of how much stuff they still

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