New Workshop Format: Live Sketching

Hello Guys! 🙂
I’ve been receiving requests for a follow-up workshop to the Watercolor Doodles workshop.

Plana Forma Doodles 3 Vertical for Instagram
If there’s one thing I love drawing, that would be dancers.  I get amused when I draw them because they’re a big part of my childhood. 😀
Drawing dancers or capturing movement on paper has always been a part of our regular workshop sessions but I wanted to take it a step further by sharing with you my workflow.  Every single time I draw people who move or sustain certain poses, I’m actually putting on paper what I’ve seen during my workouts in Plana Forma and the stuff I’ve learned from my dance classes when I was younger. 🙂

Plana Forma Doodles Poster
Who will be teaching?
Aside from giving pointers about sketching, I will be teaching this class together with my workout teachers Van Manalo & Celine Encarnacion who will be explaining to us the jazz & yoga poses before we draw them.  They will be doing poses and will be explaining them too so we can better understand how to approach our drawings. Guided by professional teachers, participants may also opt to try the poses themselves since personal experience always improves drawing techniques. (Not to worry though as this is optional). Also, no need to have attended our Watercolor Doodles session for this. Beginners are welcome.


What should I bring?
Participants may opt to bring their own materials but drawing & coloring materials (colored pencils, watercolor pencils, markers & watercolor sets), worksheets & paper for drawing will be free for use at the venue. Snacks will be provided too. Since this will be held at a studio and we will be drawing on the floor, participants are supposed to wear socks & comfortable clothing.
Plana Forma Workshop Announcement IG Stories 3

How many students will be accommodated?
A maximum of 20 students will be accommodated in this session.

Why hold it in a workout studio?
Since we will be talking about movement, I thought it would be best that we hold it in a workout studio where there are barres, mats and the flooring is conducive for sitting down & doing poses and light is abundant. 🙂


Plana Forma Workshop Announcement FB no Text 4

Do I have to try the poses?
If you’re feeling shy or conscious, this is totally optional and you may continue to draw & observe.  However, for those who are up for it, since we have professional teachers, it would be fun to maximize the opportunity to learn about the stuff we’re drawing too!  I will also try these poses with you. *That’s a promise. We’re in this together. Hahahaha. OMG.* 


Why do the poses have to be explained before we draw?
Sure, anyone can draw according to what they see but the pointers for every genre / type of workout will help us refine our drawings.  For example,
Which muscles are stretched?
What does a proper yoga pose look like?
Should the back be arched? 
Are the feet turned out? 
Should the fingers be stretched?
Should the knees be bent or straight?
What do jazz feet and hands look like?
Is the back arched or in a neutral state?
Is there tension on the neck or will it be relaxed?

It’s my first ever time to attend a drawing workshop? Are beginners welcome?
Yes. Beginners are welcome. We will briefly go through the basics of sketching first and then we will also go through the drawings from a jazz / yoga and art standpoint. 🙂

Where is Plana Forma Il Terrazzo?
Plana Forma is at the 3rd floor of the Il Terrazzo building.  It is located along Tomas Morato corner Sct. Madriñan Streets. This is just a few blocks away from ABS-CBN building. 🙂

Do I need to be a student of Plana Forma?
No need. This workshop is open to anyone interested to draw.
But, if you ever find yourself falling in love with the studio’s vibe and you potentially see yourself working out in Plana Forma Il Terrazzo, we won’t stop you from enrolling. 🙂

Do I need to have attended the Watercolor Doodles session or any of the previous workshops?
Not really.  The watercolor doodles session was focused on watercolor & sketching.
This workshop is really just about understanding the movement & capturing it on paper. Different mediums will be available for you to try!

Noted. Where do I sign up? Just fill up the form below and we’ll get back to you or pass on this link to a friend: (That’s capital GG since the link is case-sensitive). 🙂

See you there!

The Googly Gooeys

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