I don’t actually know when it evolved from being a camwhore to taking a selfie. Anyway, this post is dedicated to our friend Gicel whom we’ve followed & unfollowed several times thank to her penchant and passion for flooding our feed with her face! We love you Gicel! Thanks for being such an inspiration. Lol. 😉
P.S. Here’s more about camwhoring taking a selfie & Instagram:
Let’s Play the Instagram Bingo
The Instagrammer Goes on a Date!
After 2 hours & 30 minutes of camwhoring, 533 photos & 235 poses…a new profile photo is born
Instagram Hashtags
Signs That You’re Addicted to Instagram!
P.P.S. Follow the Googly Gooeys on Twittah, Instagram, Facebook & Tumblrrrrrrr 😉
P.P.P.S. Hello from the rubber duckie! 🙂
HAHA. true that! 🙂
minor typo error: “selife”
Guilty as charged again!!! 😀