I’ve been wanting to share this photo with you guys for a loooong time now! 🙂 This was part of the our Boracay shoot. For this particular set-up, we wanted Tipsy & Ponggo to be submerged in water at a certain level. We initially thought we could probably stitch them to a very thin pole or stick so that one of us could hold the stick under water while one of us takes the photo. But ta-dahhh, we forgot to bring the stick so we had to improvise.
For each set, we tried taking as many set-ups and shots as we could. Sometimes, we would get insanely obsessive compulsive. Good thing there was always a signal for us to stop. Sometimes, it would drizzle & we would all have to run to the nearest cottage or tent because the paper umbrellas or the buntings I made would get wet. Then the sun would shine again and we would slowly bring back boxes of props. At certain hours, the tide would get higher and higher we had to adjust our beach towels each time.
When I was shooting the snorkeling scene, I was so focused on getting the right angle since I was working against the light and against time since it was almost sunset! Sometimes I was aware of the incoming wave and how strong it would be but for a second there, I was so focused on the subject and …*doingk* Tipsy & Ponggo got swept away (too bad..it’s not in a romantic way). I screamed an laughed because I was afraid to lose the plushies (although we actually brought with us a couple more back-up plushies just in case). Now, our crude way of making the plushies stand is revealed in broad daylight! Ponggo also screamed when this happened because he was so concerned about my camera hence this post.
Well, his concern is valid. Ponggo and I were discussing one time that cameras and gadgets in general don’t have self-healing capabilities so it’s best to prioritize them when the situation calls for it. So much for prioritizing gadgets Ponggo once fell off a flight of stairs while trying to save his camera while I fell on my butt while I was walking on some icy path.
By the way, this photo is a part of one of a blog post that we’ve been working on for some time now. As you may have noticed, we have been hiding in our bat cave. Some of our friends and relatives would probably have said that we’ve been living under a rock. We had our appointments scheduled one month in advance and we have postponed a number of stuff to bring you something BIG in the coming days! 🙂
I’ve actually seen the final product and I would get teary-eyed each time I watch it. Hahaha. Then again, I might just be (a) super duper biased because I was part of the team who made it and (b) super duper tired because it’s not easy and therefore I became emotional (Dear Self, Stop saying “Super Duper” because it’s annoying and it’s so 90’s!) or (c) it’s just fulfilling to see because it’s something new & fresh for the Googly Gooeys 😀 If you’ve been following us on Twitter , you might have seen some of our updates about this 😉
Well, keep your eyes peeled for the next exciting post! 🙂
P.S. More Plushie Posts here:
Reasons Why We Love TO GO to Boracay!
Five Good Things About Breakfast
The Googly Gooey Plushie Keychains
P.P.S. By the way, you can actually have your own pair of plushies. How? 🙂 Click here.
I also like to say super duper! It’s just soooo super!