Soft Sell Versus Hard Sell

Googly Gooeys Soft Sell Versus Hard Sell Instagram Relationship & Buying Things A cousin of mine would sit down & talk to me for an hour about a new beauty product, its benefits, why, why, why I should buy it and why it’s better compared to the other brands I use.  I would laugh & tease her. “You sound like a salesperson and to think you’re not even paid to do this!”  This morning, I liked a photo on a social networking site & because I did, the person responded with a comment somewhere along the lines of “Thanks for liking.  You might also like…”.  I was thinking, “Wow, you’re like a credit card sales agent who loves chasing people in malls until they get so annoyed, they’ll finally take the flyer!”  Then again, I think I’m not in a position to judge.  At other times, Ponggo thinks I’m too hard sell when I’m so convinced with a product & I tell him about it I almost sound like a paid endorser on TV—except that I’m not TV material. Lol.  I also give him THE STARE when he keeps on mentioning what seems to me is a bunch of jargons and random numbers of any gadget he wants US to buy.

Sure, soft sell’s more decent—except when you’re talking to someone denser than a steel wall!  Hard sell on the other hand may tick off some people and get them into thinking, “I was loving it until you had to make me love it!”

Soft Sell versus Hard Sell: What’s your take on this?


Tipsy ❤

More stuff about (mis)communications here:

Can You Keep a Secret?
A Very Special Day
Geeky Pick-up Lines (Part 2)
Short-Lived Apology

November 2013 Events BloomArts 10A Alabama Poptastik Komikon Blogopolis

Have we told you there’s so much awesomeness happening this November? It’s so jam packed we needed to put them all together in one post so that you won’t forget the dates!

November 2013 Events

1Blogopolis & the Nuffie Awards 2013 (November 16, Saturday) – If you’re a blogger, aspiring blogger, advertiser, social media manager or a business(wo)man who wants to know the ins and outs of blogging & social networking, or you want to grow your blog or your business & brand through blogs, Blogopolis 2013 is for you.  It’s also a chance to network & meet your future collaborators and learn from tips of those who have been in the trade for a long time!  Also, don’t forget to vote for your favorite bloggers on the Blogopolis page. Just click “Nuffie Awards” 🙂  See you at the Intercontinental Hotel in Makati! If you missed Blogopolis 2012, click here.

2. POPTastik Pinoy (November 15) – Together with the Ayala Museum, National Book Development Board (NBDB) celebrates National Book Development Month with Text and the City, the 4thPhilippine International Literary Festival (PILF), from November 11 to 15.  Aside from the fiction writing masterclass, there will also be a November 17 film showing/mini book fair at the New Glorietta Activity Center and a November 18-24 costume exhibition at Greenbelt.  Click here for more details 🙂

3. 10A Alabama Arts & Crafts Fair (November 9-10, Saturday-Sunday)- It’s a celebration of all things handmade.  I never go home from this fair empty-handed.  There’s always something new & interesting and it’s actually hard to leave this place because you’re bound to discover a trinket, a notebook, a washi tape or a plush toy you’ll love!  For a time, I actually wanted to participate in this exhibit and there was a weekend when I tried exploring what handmade stuff I can offer.  Hats off to all the makers!  I don’t have the same patience to mass produce stuff manually and it takes a lot of creativity, heart, soul & nifty fingers to produce pretty little things!

4. Bloom Arts Exhibit 2013 (November 15) – Ponggo & I have been to the exhibit last year and we wrote about it here.  It’s always nice to see a place teeming with art, talent and creativity! With at least 100 artists collaborating on this exhibit this year, you’ll definitely go home inspired!  This year’s Bloom Arts Exhibit will be held at the Collective in Makati! Don’t forget to check out the Bloom Arts Facebook event page for more details.

5. Komikon 2013 – We’re a bit broken-hearted that we won’t be able to join this year’s Komikon because we’ve been invited as one of the speakers in this year’s Blogopolis 🙁 We had so much fun in the Summer Komkon early this year and I was really hoping to have my book signed by Manix Abrera.  For comic lovers, this is the best chance to meet the artists of your favorite comics, buy lots of books and artworks at a discounted price, have your portrait drawn or even have your books signed & drawn on!  This year’s Komikon will be held at the Unilab Bayanihan Center in Pasig City (very near Pioneer Supermarket).

Anyway, here’s hoping you’ll have a fun November! 🙂
We’re hoping to bump into you (okay, not literally) in at least one of these events!



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