
Googly Gooeys Entertainment on Youtube1

Entertainment on Youtube

My friend Aina was sharing with me yesterday how amusing the YouTube comments were.   It’s always amazing how people would take time to trash and reply to random strangers and thanks to this, we now have something entertaining to read while we’re: (a) waiting for the video to load (b) waiting for the last […]

Googly Gooeys Alphabet of Social Networking Part21
GOOGLY GOOEYS, internet, social networking

Social Networking Alphabet (Part2)

Social Networking Alphabet (Part 2) Well, here’s part 2 of the Social Networking Alphabet! If you missed part 1, scroll down or click here. I’m just amused that there’s really nothing good under “U”.   Suggestions anyone? 😉  Everything that we could think of starts with the prefix “un” which usually comes with rants & drama

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