web comics

GG triple click winners2

Congratulations to the Winners!

Congratulations to the winners!  T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U for all your support during the site launch yesterday! 🙂 It was one fun and exciting launch. Thank you to to those who participated in our Triple Click and Win promo. Whether you’ve unlocked the secret page or not, we hope you guys had fun doing some online Easter Egg […]

Googly Gooeys Triple Click and Win

Triple Click & Win!

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas Welcome to Googly Gooeys 2.0! 🙂 While you’re exploring our new site, we decided to make it extra fun by putting up game together with the help of  Rnovino 🙂 Find that hidden page by triple clicking any spot on this site. The first person to unlock the page will win a

GG geeky pick up lines
geek, GOOGLY GOOEYS, math, science

Geeky Pick Up Lines ;)

Geeky Pick Up Lines Geeky pick up lines: These are probably the lines you’d love reading on any social networking platform but not necessarily the type that you’d like a girl or a guy say to you!  I was driving the other day and some random thought crossed my mind.  I realized, scientific & mathematical


Real Spam!

If only Spam were real, we wouldn’t have to go to the grocery and we’d have lots and lots of food for months on end. We’d have real spam flooding our mailboxes 😉 Nomnomnomnomnom.

GG questions we ask ourselves

Questions We Ask Ourselves

Questions We Ask Ourselves: What do you usually ask yourself when  you’re in a reflective mood? I hate it when my brain won’t let me sleep because it’s too busy evaluating my life and worrying about my future when all I really want to do is forget all my responsibilities for a moment and visit

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