
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, moody, relationship

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned: (This post is dedicated to our good friend Aina Banana who gives the best advice ever! Low fat milk for the win!) If you’ve been following our blog, you will see that as a couple, we have our great and not so great days. Usually, we argue but now we just keep quiet […]

Googly Gooeys He Says She Says

He Says, She Says

He Says She Says Our house is such a mess right now.  He just love love loves leaving his stuff around the house. If he chooses to remove his shoes in one corner, then you’ll find it there for days. Then if he removes his socks near the bathroom, it will be there for days.


Mixing Up Dates

The calendar inside my brain has been so messed up lately I’ve been mixing up dates. I found myself sitting at a cafe one day early for a meet-up with high school friends and one day late for an exhibit that I’ve always wanted to visit.  Recently,

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