googly gooeys
Fact of the Day #108: You know you’re in a bad mood when…
Fact of the Day #108: You know you’re in a bad mood This post is dedicated to all of you who are in a bad mood thanks or no thanks to your hormones, annoying friends, relatives, jobs, deadlines or whatever else it is that bothers you. Come here & let us give you a hug.
Day 3 of Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards and it’s a we’re-free-to-go-wherever-we-want-
Day 3 of Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards and it’s a we’re-free-to-go-wherever-we-want-to day 😀 The boys ( Mike, Allan, and Ponggo all decided to get up at 5ish in the morning for a photo walk just before sunrise. You see, the three bonded even before we left the Philippines over a discussion on airplanes and carbon
Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in Malaysia: Day 2! :)
Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in Malaysia: Day 2! 🙂 First Stop: The King’s Palace in Kuala Lumpur 😀 I’m lovin’ everyone’s colorful outfits ♥ and especially Camille’s ring, I actually ordered one as soon as we got home. Hehehe 🙂 That girl’s passion for fashion is contagious! So, what happens when bloggers get together?