Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in Malaysia: Day 2! :)

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Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in Malaysia: Day 2! 🙂

First Stop: The King’s Palace in Kuala Lumpur 😀 I’m lovin’ everyone’s colorful outfits ♥ and especially Camille’s ring, I actually ordered one as soon as we got home. Hehehe 🙂 That girl’s passion for fashion is contagious!

So, what happens when bloggers get together? Endless picture-taking sessions 🙂 This was also the day when we witnessed first-hand how fashion bloggers prepare their posts. It’s amazing how it’s seemingly effortless for them to pose while everyone’s watching.

Meanwhile, I’m super happy that CamilleLaureen, and Helga volunteered to take our pictures as a couple. You see, when we got out on trips, we each bring our own camera and we end up not having a decent couple photo against a landmark; we just have photos of each other. Hehe.

We went to the Petronas Towers as well. We were supposed to go to the bridge but we decided to spend time looking for…uhmm..toothpaste (haha) and lunch 😀 After our meal, while waiting for the rest of the team inside the bus, Carlos treated us to the most delicious Roti bun ever–Rotiboy bun!! My standard for Roti buns has just been upgraded!

After the city tour, we were given some time to freshen up & found ourselves on the bus en route to  The View! The boys (Allan, Mike, Ponggo) sneaked out for a while to get a glimpse of the ahhh-mazing Petronas Towers again…at night 😀 You see, the boys rarely have a group pic as they’re always the ones taking pictures of us. I usually love taking pictures of landscapes & details but during this trip, I tried being part of the picture for a change 😀

It was one awesome PAR-TAY! 🙂 Team Philippines was extra hyper that night :)) Hehehe. We just bonded and even today, everyone misses everyone. Huhuhu. We’re really hoping that there will be a reunion soon!

That’s it for now & watch out for NAPBAS Day 3!


Tipsy ❤

P.S. If you missed NAPBAS Day 1, click here 🙂


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RS Neyadi
RS Neyadi
10 years ago

Awwwwh this is so cute

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