cute illustrations

Googly Gooeys Im Not Angry2
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

I’m Not Angry

I can’t believe I still haven’t posted a comic about this (until I stumbled upon it in my handy dandy notebook)!   Here’s a classic Tipsy & Ponggo conversation that usually has that overused line “I’m not angry!” 😉 I always end up misinterpreting Ponggo especially when he’s concentrating and hard at work (with those […]

Googly Gooeys Social Networking Elements in Real Life Part2
GOOGLY GOOEYS, social networking

Social Networking Elements in Real Life (Part 2)

“What if social networking actions were real?” Part 2! What if you opened your social networking accounts on your birthday only to find out that the greetings were not written on your Facebook wall or Twitter feed but on your real wall?   Have you noticed how people conveniently ended conversations by liking your comment

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