cute & funny comics

Googly Gooeys Last Christmas
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Last Christmas I Gave You My…

Gift-giving is probably not the most exciting part of our relationship.  After so many years of trying, Ponggo has finally given up on me.  I have way too many comments about all the presents he has given me.  One year, he tries to guess the clothes I might like.  Last Christmas, he bought me stuff that […]

Googly Gooeys Life of a Workaholic

Life of a Workaholic

My best friend (who lives on the other side of this world) & I were just chatting and this topic came up thus the workaholic cartoon: I think I’ve already written here a lot of times that I cannot not work.  Even when I’m supposedly “resting”, I have to be busy in some sort of

Googly Gooeys Questions Answers
communication, GOOGLY GOOEYS, relationship

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers: I wonder if other couples also spend time doing nothing but trying to beat & outwit their partners for fun. Ha! 😉 More comics about Tipsy & Ponggo here: Signs That You’re in Love Reading Too Much Into Things & Dissecting Phrases Who’s Calling You? Keeping Secrets The Value of Honesty in

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