Why People Post Throwback Thursday Photos

Throwback Thursday is always exciting.  It’s that time when everyone (well, not everyone) posts photos from eons ago or even just from a few months ago–especially those who have vacation hangovers.

To my future self, just in case you’ll ever get to read this post 30 years from now, I’d like to explain that Throwback Thursday is part of this MM-TT-WW-TthTh-FF-SS-SS phenomenon on Instagram (It’s a social networking site that you’re so addicted to and challenges you to lay everything out in a square instead of a rectangle.  Here’s the link to your account just in case you have forgotten.  Actually, you only know about Fashion Fridays, Selfie Saturdays & Throwback Thursdays–not that you post about them–but what the heck.  Here’s why you think people posts #TBT photos.  Yes, that’s a hashtag because everyone wants to be more searchable, liked & followed.  Take note, it’s not a pound sign.  “Pound sign” was for the 80’s & 90’s.

Why People Post TBT Photos

(Back to my current self talking to whoever stumbles upon this post…Who, in her right mind, would actually talk to herself on her own blog??)

So, I’m suspecting, aside from wanderlust and nostalgic reasons, people actually post TBT photos just to say any of the following:

“Hey, I used to be a heartthrob.”
“I used to be sexy…” (Wait, speaking of sexy, those profile pictures of people with abs but donning shades almost all the time…that deserves another discussion).
“I used to be cute and oh I was everyone’s favorite niece/nephew.”

Sometimes, the purpose of it is to inspire people. Somewhere along the lines of “Well, look at me now, I’m a beautiful swan / supahhh celebrity / most-stalked girl/boy/girl-boy/boy-girl in zehh worlllddddd!”  Actually, I initially wanted to put wings on either Tipsy or Ponggo in the second frame.  I didn’t know though how they won’t look like a failed parody of a Victoria’s Secret angel of sorts.  Oh well…

Anyway, whatever it is that you’re posting today, Happy Throwback Thursday and may you chuckle your way through your Instagram feed today 😉

Tipsy ❤

P.S. Speaking of TBT, we dug up some photos of ours.  This photo pretty much gives away our age. These days, people spend so much time choosing filters to make their photos appear vintage but this one has naturally aged in our family albums. Hihi.

TBT Ponggo & Tipsy

P.P.S. More comics in the spirit of TBT here:
Almost a Compliment
Life Without Google: Researching Then & Now
Words Then & Now
Quoting People: Then & Now
What Parents Tell Their Kids: Then & Now

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