Blog Giveaway: Online Shopping Fun with Gcash Amex Virtual Pay

Gcash Amex Virtual Pay Blog Giveaway

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while now, you probably have witnessed how all our online shopping wish lists have turned into reality thanks to Gcash Amex Virtual Pay.   Now, we’d like to share this shopping experience with you via a blog giveaway! 🙂

Gcash Gvieaway Pantone Notebook

You might have already seen this several times on our Instagram.  Thanks to Gcash Amex Virtual Pay, we bought another Pantone notebook just for you guys!


House Industries Postcards

Typo Porn: House Industries Post Cards from!
There will be 10 winners of  10 postcards each!

Yes, a blog giveaway because we’d like you to experience you the goodness of shopping with Gcash American Express Virtual Pay!  By shopping online with your mobile phone, you can enjoy the following:

1. The items you ordered will be delivered directly to your home; no need to worry about having to pick it up from the post office, a mall or the customs office.

2. It’s a U.S. issued virtual credit card!  You can now shop on all the sites that require U.S. credit cards from that bag you’ve been eyeing for the longest time to that U.S. app that you’ve been wanting to download!

3. You can always change your security PIN if you feel that it is being compromised.

4. More ways for you to control your expenses because you can only spend what’s in your Gcash account.

5. Get the first dibs on the most unique items or even take advantage of an online sale in the U.S.!

6.  Save time when you shop thanks to all the gift suggestions.  No need to leave your seat when you shop as well.

7. No need to fill up a huuuuuuge box.  You can opt to have the items shipped individually!

Fifi Lapin Book Gcash Giveaway

The Fifi Lapin book (also from  is a quirky fashion & illustration inspiration resource! I wish I had her wardrobe!

Well, actually, I can go on and on and on about this.  I’m pretty sure that just like us & our friends, there have been dresses, books, and other quirky things (think Star Wars Light Saber Chopsticks) that you’d like to give as a gift to yourself or someone else.  But, you’re either afraid that you need to expose your credit card details (the one with the huge credit limit) online or that you might get charged twice as much when your items get here.

Uglydolls Umbrella with Ears


We’re also giving away the not-so-ugly Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella! Ponggo wanted it so much for himself, we had to buy another one for you guys! Boingk



Worry not! Gcash Amex Virtual Pay is here to save you from your shopping woes! 🙂


For first timers, you can check the whole sign-up procedure.  Yes, you have to visit a Globe store once for the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure when you’re opening a Gcash account.   The nice thing about it is that after you’ve KYC’d, you can use the same Gcash account to pay for your monthly phone bills & other utility bills just from your phone just like me.  You can also opt to top up your Gcash online! See?  Now, you have more time to sleep & relax.  (I know, I know…sleep is really precious these days!)

Where's Waldo Postcard Book Giveaway

Here’s Ponggo’s personal favorite: The Phenomenal Where’s Waldo Postcard Book.  We get our books from or! Don’t forget that as an online shopper, you have the advantage of comparing prices within a few clicks!

 Now that you know why we’re addicted to Gcash Amex Virtual Pay,  get clicking below & tell us:

    1. Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you &
    2. What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway! 🙂

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Update: February 18, 2014


    Thank you guys and gals for joining the promo! Thanks for all the tweets, likes and shares! To those who did not win this time… don’t worry, there are more promos to come! 🙂


    To the winners, please email us your full name and mailing address 🙂 You will receive a nice surprise in your mailbox 🙂


    Thanks!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂




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    Eddielli Bungay
    Eddielli Bungay
    10 years ago

    (a) Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you?

    First of all it is hassle free and the items will be delivered straight to your home and there is no need to pick it up on the post office! It can also track your budget by only spending what’s in your Gcash account.

    (b) What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway!

    I like the Fifi Lapin Book because I want to know more about her fashion secrets, because I myself want to become a fashionista!

    Ma. Eddielli R. Bungay

    Marinela Diaz
    Marinela Diaz
    10 years ago

    a. Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy because the items that you ordered online will be delivered right at your doorstep. Plus getting the first dibs on US online sales sounds good to me. 🙂

    b. I’d like to win the Where’s Waldo? The Phenomenal Postcard book.

    Marie Bernadette G. Quilala
    Marie Bernadette G. Quilala
    10 years ago

    (a) Nowadays I don’t get to go out much because of tons of stuff to do & sometimes I prefer hanging out with my family & stay at home. With the Gcash Amex Virtual Pay, it’s the perfect shopping buddy and trust-worthy! Makes me a virtual shopaholic without too much worrying!
    (b) As much as I want everything to be mine, (:D) Here’s hoping I can win (this time!) with the Pantone Chips Journal! 🙂

    10 years ago

    (a) I’m a lazy potato and doesn’t want to go out that much but I can accomplish more (like paying bills and stuff) right at the tip of my fingertips with the help of Gcash Amex Virtual Pay.
    (b) I’d like to have the Pantone Chips Journal for more COLORS! ^0^/ And especially because this will be an artful year and I need to coordinate or mix & match colors.

    June Rumbaoa Real
    June Rumbaoa Real
    10 years ago

    (a) Utilizing Gcash Amex Virtual Pay maximizes the potential of e-commerce. Saves time (which is important to me and money (transportation and meal money).
    (b) I’d like to have the Pantone Chips Journal. If I win, I will give this as a present for my girlfriend 🙂

    Camille Quiambao
    Camille Quiambao
    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping hassle-free because the items will be delivered right at my door steps.

    The Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella is uber cute. I’d love to use it rain or shine 🙂

    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex Virtual Pay lets me purchase items in US-based online shops by giving me a US virtual credit card. Shipping is also easy because it’s delivered directly to my home. Hassle-free, diba? Now, lemme think. How about that Pantone chips journal? 🙂

    Aileen Kahambing
    Aileen Kahambing
    10 years ago

    with GCash Amex Virtual Pay scheme I can control my expenses because I easily have visiblity on what I have on my gcash account and I spend only what I have currently. now that’s being a responsible adult! 🙂 Hoping to receive the Pantone Chips Journal, I’m starting a homebased business and this should be a big help! And a belated birthday gift too! 🙂

    Erin Ellis
    Erin Ellis
    10 years ago

    It makes it easy for me because with 2 crazy toddlers it is fast, quick, and only takes a second. I really love the umbrella!

    Yen Morales
    Yen Morales
    10 years ago

    i like to shop online and i have an online shop, too! i’m a gcash user since 2009 and it’s very convenient to send and receive payments.
    i like the where’s waldo postcard book.

    Anisa Enriquez
    10 years ago

    I have been using Gcash and other payment methods such as online bank transfers and others but these options are for my local purchases only. With the Gcash Amex Virtual Pay, shopping will no longer be limited within the Philippines. It’s my key to shopping anywhere and anytime without leaving the comforts of our house. hahahaha.. It is convenience without compromising my budget and of course my personal details (credit card, etc). Convenience and control at its best!

    Talking about shopping, I would love to receive the Fifi Lapin book! I love shopping, fashion and bunnies! I love Fifi! Hoping for my super last “late” Christmas present! 😛

    Jethro Gonzaga :)
    Jethro Gonzaga :)
    10 years ago

    That’s interesting. I’d like to give GCash Amex Virtual Pay a try! 🙂 The Typo Postcards and the Pantone Chips Journal are the coolest, btw! #artsyfeels :))

    Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
    10 years ago

    (a) Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you?
    Shopping is always made easy with GCash American Express Virtual Pay, because there is no need to bring bulky shopping bags and pay for huge delivery fees. I can now shop from my favorite international shops, not worrying about the package, because it will be delivered straight to my home.

    (b) What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway?
    I would like to win the Fifi Lapin book! It will really help me a lot in putting up my own closet and developing my fashion blog as well. 🙂

    Denise Celones
    10 years ago

    I’ve been browsing through Amazon and Barnes & Noble for quite some time now, I’ve always wanted to buy some books that are not locally available here in the country. But whenever I think of shipping fees (plus the fact that I need additional orders just so it will be “sulit”) I always end up delaying buying it. But now, Gcash Amex Virtual Pay can already make it easier for bookworms like me! 🙂

    And of course, I definitely want that Pantone notebook! 🙂

    10 years ago

    (a) Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you ?
    Though I have been a globe user for years,I never had a gcash amex virtual pay or a gcash account. T experience globe in a new perspective 🙂

    (b) What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway!

    I want to win a wonderful world of fifi lapin and the ugly doll ice bat umbrella

    Arra Morta
    Arra Morta
    10 years ago

    Shopping is always made easy with GCash American Express Virtual Pay because you can shop at the comfort of your homes:)

    I like the a wonderful world of fifi lapin and Pantone Chips Journal:0)


    Ian Carlo T. Zuniga
    Ian Carlo T. Zuniga
    10 years ago

    It’s great that I can now buy stuff from the US individually, it’s just so convenient! I want the Ugly Doll Ice Bat Umbrella, it looks so cool 😀

    sherry ann gole cruz
    sherry ann gole cruz
    10 years ago

    A.Shopping is always made easy with GCash American Express Virtual Pay because you can shop international at home conveniently..

    B.I’m hoping to win the Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella for my daughter,it so cute

    Solena Laureano Alumno
    Solena Laureano Alumno
    10 years ago

    I’ve always loved online shopping and though I haven’t used it, I think Gcash Amex Virtual Pay is very useful since you can purchase international items at the tip of your fingers and in the comfort of your own home 🙂

    I want the Ugly Doll Ice Bat Umbrella because I looooooove Ugly Dolls so much ♥

    Istin Dizon Paigna
    Istin Dizon Paigna
    10 years ago

    (a) Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you
    You can conveniently use it on your mobile phone. Easy to reload/control funds since it is connected with your GCash account. You can order your favorite/ must have/ wishlist items anytime, anywhere with it!

    (b) What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway!

    Ugly Doll Ice Bat Umbrella! <3

    Chona Gomba
    Chona Gomba
    10 years ago

    (a) GCash Amex Virtual Pay was created to help customers have a much better experience in online shopping. I, for example, was once so afraid of spilling out my credit card details and this prevented me from buying those things that I really, really wanna buy from online stores. But now, all my worries are gone thanks to GCash Amex! No more reason to hold myself back except, of course, if I have a zero balance 🙂

    (b) I want that Pantone Chips Journal!!! That’s so cuuuuutttteeeee! I want to add that to my journal collection 🙂

    Dee Ira Aquino Fortes
    Dee Ira Aquino Fortes
    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex Virtual Pay its hassle free to shop online 🙂 i want to win ugly doll ice bat umbrella its so cute 🙂

    Anna A.
    Anna A.
    10 years ago

    Items ordered with Gcash Amex Virtual Pay will be delivered right to your doorstep. Saves you time and energy!

    My choice is the Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella, without a doubt! I carry an umbrella with me all the time. I’d love to see people’s reactions when they see it. 🙂

    Karen Bernarte
    10 years ago

    Its the easiest way to shop in US online shops. Many privileges and benefits pa from Globe.

    I would love to win the Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella! Its not Ugly for me. O:

    10 years ago

    Wooow, hello Ponggo and Tipsy, I think I want to have the Gcash ones, hihiii. But actually I don’t really know what a Gcash is. Because I haven’t hear about it before. hihi, how poor I am. So, maybe you can give me the Gcash ones, so I can experiences with it, thankyouuuu 😀

    Karen Justine Solomon
    Karen Justine Solomon
    10 years ago

    It’s a U.S. issued virtual credit card! You can now shop on all the sites that require U.S. credit cards and have the items you purchased delivered right at your door steps.

    Pantone Chips Journal

    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex is the answer to any online shopping transactions. Fast and secured transaction.

    I would love the Ugly Doll Ice bat umbrella for my daughter

    Marlene Yanga
    Marlene Yanga
    10 years ago

    I like it because you can get the first dibs or online sale in the US,Ii’s a US issued credit card,you can buy just by using a mobile phone and the item you bought are delivered at your home. WOW!!

    I’d like to win the Where’s Waldo? The Phenomenal Postcard book.

    Lovely Joy V. Merced
    Lovely Joy V. Merced
    10 years ago

    Since i don’t have a credit card, this would be perfect for ording online at most of the stores that i only dream of shopping at.

    The umbrella is what i would love to win.

    hatta okami
    hatta okami
    10 years ago

    simply cause of how easy it would be to buy stuff from US shops online! I want the umbrella or where’s waldo, I want it all tbh, it looks so beautiful!

    Laila Mercado
    Laila Mercado
    10 years ago

    because now a days it more convenient to do it online rather than going to the mall

    Lee Buaya
    Lee Buaya
    10 years ago

    Wow. This is useful. I’ve been wanting to buy a lot of stuff online but the shipping is gonna kill me. Plus the process. This. This is very helpful! I think Imma get a globe sim just for this. Hahaha. And you guys are just awesome! You have cool giveaways! 😀

    I’d really want the Ugly Doll Ice Bat Umbrella, since my old umbrella’s trashed. DX Or the Pantone Chips Journal… I just started using watercolors and I think that would inspire me more to write a journal entry everyday. XD

    Christine Ramos
    Christine Ramos
    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes it possible for me to buy US-based online items that i’ve been wanting to buy for ages. 🙂 I would love to have the Pantone chips journal. 🙂

    10 years ago

    What I like about the Gcash Amex Virtual Pay:
    1. the items I bought are going to be delivered directly to our home! I do not have to worry about additional fees.
    2. it is a virtual credit card which is connected to my Gcash account so in a way, I get to control my spending.
    3. I get to shop at US based shops online! I do not need to spend on airfare (which is very expensive :().

    I want everything! HAHA. but my number 1 would be the Fifi Lapin book. 🙂

    Hi! It’s me again! Hahaha. #ilovegiveaways 🙂

    Jenny Esplana
    Jenny Esplana
    10 years ago

    I’ve always loved buying clothes and even shoes through Online and my brother always told me to use Gcash Amex Virtual Pay because it is easy and very convenient to use.

    I would like to win the Wonderful world of Fifi Lapin: Style Secrets of a Furry Fashionista <3
    Jenny Esplana

    10 years ago

    i’ve always loved buying merchandise through Online and i use Gcash Amex Virtual Pay because it is easy and very convenient to use.

    I would like to win the “The Fifi Lapin book is a quirky fashion & illustration inspiration resource! I wish I had her wardrobe!”
    Abegail Acohon

    10 years ago

    Door to door delivery and most importantly, no surprise fees at the customs office 😀 I want to win the House Industries Post Cards <3

    Lyzette Siazar
    Lyzette Siazar
    10 years ago

    Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping more fun and hassle-free! 🙂 Imagine seeing your favorite items online and buying them in just a few clicks! 😀 Perfect for rainy days or when I’m too busy to go out! 🙂

    I would love to win the Pantone Chips Journal! <3

    Maki Yosh
    Maki Yosh
    10 years ago

    (a) Why Gcash Amex Virtual Pay makes shopping easy for you?

    -Simply because its very comfort to use it even at your own home.

    (b) What prize would you like to win from this blog giveaway!

    -I want the Ugly Doll Ice Bat Umbrella! Or The Post cards!

    10 years ago

    Shopping has always been a girl’s comfort task, but sometimes, you just can’t get out! It’s frustrating and I think this is what Gcash Amex Virtual Pay aims to do– to help us conveniently shop and pay anytime, anywhere. Oh di ba, masaya? 🙂
    Hihihi. Pantone Chips Journal please? 🙂

    Elinor Semira
    Elinor Semira
    10 years ago

    (a) With Gcash Amex Virtual Pay, online shopping would be a breeze and it’s hassle-free since items will be delivered directly into our home! nice!
    (b) the not-so-ugly Ugly Doll Ice Bat umbrella! ^_^

    10 years ago

    1) With all the horror stories I’ve been hearing about the local post office with regards to
    items shipped from overseas (from lost/opened parcels to exorbitant customs fees) I’m glad that with Gcash Amex Virtual Pay, I don’t have to experience those horrors. My dealings with them will remain limited to snail mail.
    2) I wish to win some House Industries postcards for my small paper product collection.

    Jenny Esplana
    Jenny Esplana
    10 years ago

    who won?

    Anna A.
    Anna A.
    10 years ago

    Yehey! Thanks so much for making my day, Googly Gooeys!! Contact details sent to you via email. 🙂

    10 years ago

    FYI you can now book Philippine Airline (PAL) seats online using your GCash AMEX card! Ang cool lang!

    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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