What am I doing for Christmas? We just had our Christmas brunch with the family & now, I’m here, sitting inside a hotel room, giving myself a couple of hours (and a half?) to let my legs recuperate from a week-long daily walkathon. I’m happy to report that my knees are A-okay (as if anyone asked) but I think I busted my left ankle. Yikes! I know Hong Kong is the places where people supposedly shop for clothes & bags but here I am, after one week, still empty-handed in that department (unless 1 top, a sequined headband and a pair of tights counts. Hehe).
All I did the past seven days was walk with family & friends and try yummy authentic local food (which sadly makes hotel food taste bad :P).
I’d like to share with you some visual inspiration though 🙂 I think that’s what I shopped for or that’s what I usually do when I’m out. I love love taking pictures of things that make me happy or the tiny details from the streets that make me smile. ❤
I stepped into a furniture store & ended up treating it as an art exhibit stopping whenever I see interesting patterns & colors. Yes, I know I have to work on my adjectives. I may have already overused the words “cute” and “pretty”. I should improve my writing skills & start describing these eye candies with phrases such as “not childish but childlike” “heartfelt & sincere” “innocent & nostalgic”. Haha.
Pretty packaging! ❤ I love how the illustration is simple and heartfelt. ❤ These days, there’s so much effort put into making everything look modern in terms of photography and graphics and while all that is great, it’s always nice to go back to the basics. It’s amazing how a simple illustration can bring so much impact.
I’m such a sucker for street art. Once, I had this phase where I would purposely get lost when I travel & visit the side streets just to get a glimpse of interesting graffiti. The streets are definitely busy in this time of the year and here’s a quick click in between avoiding getting bumped by the rushing crowd! (P.S. Fellow crafter Andrea writes about street art here. Check it out! 🙂
This is a pattern plastered on one of the Christmas displays inside a mall. I’m always on a color hunt. I don’t know why. Colors really make me happy (and if you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, you’ve already heard me say it so many times. Hihi.) I also have this habit of trying to remember color schemes. I may walk past a shop or see a passerby with an interesting top and go, “fuchsia, orange & cream, fuchsia orange & cream” in my mind or hurriedly type it on my phone. I don’t know how many times strangers have caught me looking at them not knowing that I’m just actually checking out the color scheme & lay-out of their shirt, bag, the cover of the magazine they’re reading or how they matched the colors of their outfit. Hehe.
I’m not really a bookworm. I was only built to read essays and business books with well-defined chapters which I can pick-up at any time without having to backread but upon seeing the classics with new covers, I wanted to bring them home. Haha. Of course I can’t. I’m not actually happy with the photo I took. First, I’m getting OC with the angle, I could have tilted my camera a bit more and secondly, I shouldn’t have blurred the rest of the books, now you & I can’t see the rest of the pretty designs. Oh well.
If you’ve been following the Googly Gooeys on Instagram, then you know how much I love washi tapes! This is just one small section of washi tapes that I first saw. There was actually a whole shelf of it. There were so much designs to choose from I got so overwhelmed I ended up buying the ones I already have. Haha.
There are actually more pictures that I’d like to share with you but I shall save that for the next blog post! 🙂
Well, Merry Christmas and hope you get to spend it with your friends & the people you love the most! 🙂
Merry Christmas to you too, our readers who have always been so generous throughout these years! ❤XOXO,
Where can i buy some washi tapes? Thanks!
*O* Those books! I wanna take them home too. Lol. I love love love the details on them. /)*O*( Where did you spotted them?