How to Have a Meaningful Christmas

Hi Guys! 🙂 Merry Christmas! I won’t keep you long today because I know you’re celebrating with your family & friends.  Well, enjoy the Noche Buena and worry about shedding the holiday pounds later!  *I really hope none of my Plana Forma teachers get to see that line.*  But, if you’re waiting for 12 midnight for the family bingo or something, read on. 😉

Merry Christmas 2015 Greeting

Anyway, I was buying some gifts the other day and I just realized I didn’t actually buy any gift for myself.  Well, I was just thinking, I already bought a lot of watercolor paper and postcards during our recent trip so I might as well give myself something intangible.  What are they?

1/ A Cleaner Workspace – I’m so happy I finally had the time to clean some parts of the house this morning!  Days and nights and midnights of not being able to go home because of endless parties just made our home messier than usual.  Our schedule has been crazy ever since we got home!

2/ Time to Read  – I was buying some workshop materials yesterday and picked myself up a copy of Senator Miriam Santiago’s Stupid is Forever.  I started last night before waiting for my workout class and finished the rest this morning.  It’s an easy read and it definitely has a bunch of lines that shall help us get through the new year!

“The second important lesson that life has taught me is this: there is no template for the meaning of life.  Instead, the meaning of life is that you choose to make it mean.”

You’ll find that on page 118. 😉 I know, I still earmark my books and underline my favorite lines until this day.  Well, I’m not really a big reader but in this day where everything is instant with status updates reduced to 140 characters and a peek into someone’s life summed up by a square photo you get to double-tap, I miss being able to read someone’s thoughts.

3/ Precious Time Offline – You don’t have to be a blogger by profession to understand this.  You have to admit thirty minutes just passes by unnoticed with us scrolling down on our social networking accounts.  When I got home last night, I didn’t even check my phone.  I slept and took a peek at my phone this morning and that was it.  I ended up painting and cutting paper and wrote down really fast my goals for 2015.  I also made sure that I ignored all the rules I knew about watercolor because that would only make me frustrated.

Colorful Watercolor Palette

I was actually surprised why I was so contented with my life lately.  Then, I realized, I haven’t been online as much as I was compared to the days before & I’ve been spending more time with the people I love.  Of course any blogger, Instagrammer would want you to spend more time online so you could see or like their posts but I say try becoming less dependent on your phone and it’ll do wonders about how you see your life.  You’ll start becoming more grateful about what you have an you’ll start comparing less with what is being presented to you by the internet.

Well, that’s it guys!

Have a meaningful Christmas!

Tipsy 🙂

More Christmasy Reads:
The Thing With Holidays
What Not to Give This Christmas
My Grown-up Christmas List
Last Christmas I Gave You My…
Christmas Season: Mixed Reactions

…and some stuff to prepare you for 2015:
Make Things Happen
Why You Should Travel Alone

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