Burp Day!

Tipsy's Burp Day with Paper Confetti & Cupcake

No self-respecting decent person would probably greet herself online and say, “Happy birthday to me!” but let me abuse take this opportunity to finally celebrate my birthday on this blog for the first time since its inception 😀  *Yeah! ;)* I would always make some graphics for Ponggo’s birthday and then force Ponggo to post a “Happy birthday Tipsy” tweet on my birthday *har har* and feel so silly about doing a Googly cartoon for my own birthday. 😛 By the way, may I also greet our national hero Jose Rizal?  I always thought we were somehow related because we shared the same birthday.  Back in grade school, I thought he was my grandpa or something! 😛

Nope, you don’t have to go through the hassle of thinking what to give me for my birthday.  All I ask is for your to donate some time online & vote the Googly Gooeys as the Instagram Phenom of the year on the Tatt Awards 2013 Website.  Remember that you can vote every hour (which means you can vote 24 times in a day if you’re a zombie). You can use your Twitter, Facebook  or Google+ accounts.  *And you thought I’d finally stop telling you about this, no?*

For those of you who have been tweeting, “But the website won’t let me vote!” Here’s what you can do:

1. Clear your browser’s cache

2. If you’re using an iPhone, you may go to Settings >> Safari >> Clear Cookies & Data

3. If you have logged in but the website won’t let you vote, just click on the X mark on the Pop up box if it still says, “You must be logged in to vote”; it might just be a bug 😀


If you haven’t had the chance to get a glimpse of our Instagram Page, here’s a quick roundup of this week’s posts & here’s what you’re voting for ❤  Please support the cause of happiness, the washi addiction and the love for all things colorful 😀

This Week on Instagram (with VOTE)

So, don’t forget to Vote the Googly Gooeys as the Instagram Phenom of the Year! 🙂

Vote The Googly Gooeys at the Tatt Awards 2013

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11 years ago

really? is 18th june ur birthday?? ’cause its mine too…OMG!

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