50 Shades of Grey: Seriously, I don’t know what the fuss is all about!?

Googly Gooeys 50 Shades of Grey 50 Gray Pantone Chips

“50 Shades of Grey? What is the fuss all about?”, says Ponggo.

I don’t know how many times 50 Shades of Grey has been recommended to me.  I would hear the DJ talk about it on my favorite morning show and people would Tweet me about it.  My cousin would send me a DM over Twitter asking if my other cousin’s reading about it because she’s too young to read it.  My other younger cousin is asking me if I have read it. (Well, I do have a lot of cousins, we have a big familehhhh!!) I’d go to some house & I’d see a copy lying around. Even Ponggo’s maid is reading it!

I must admit I have yet to read but I hope you enjoyed our own little parody.  I think I had too much fun with the pantone chips my fingers are now sore trying to encode all the HTML & CMYK values and digitally washi taping each one!  If you’re following @googlygooeys on Instagram, you’ll know how much I’m addicted to washi tapes! ❤❤

Anyway, going back, ff you’re feeling a bit obsessive-compulsive today, you may double check if I really pasted 50 chips on Ponggo’s wall 😉


Tipsy ❤

P.S. You can say we have a knack for taking things too literally 😉 The proof?
Payphone Lyrics by Maroon 5 – Illustrated 😉
We Are Young Lyrics Illustrated!
Current LSS: Call Me Maybe
Hey Soul Sister Lyrics
The Playlist: All The Things in an Apartment
and more cartoons about colors here:
Color & Inspiration: Some Doodling Tips
My Instagram Account is Taking on a Different Life
Colorful Stuff
All Things Yellow


19 thoughts on “50 Shades of Grey: Seriously, I don’t know what the fuss is all about!?”

  1. Avatar of Marielle Faye Garcia
    Marielle Faye Garcia

    I am not into the novel.. I have started reading it just to see if I would like it. But, it turns out I don’t… Hahaha! I’ve also read the synopsis on the web, and I knew I wouldn’t like it. Haha. It needs a broad mind though..

  2. Read it and be the judge. As for me, I didn’t even get halfway of the 1st book. I just read it because like you, people around me kept asking if I already read it or do I have the copy etc etc. Too “twilight-ey” for me. lol

    1. It seems like reading books is sort of like fashion in the sense that everyone’s trying to keep up with what everyone’s reading! 🙂

  3. Wow!Don’t tell me Tipsy and Ponggo are rushers too? 🙂 ♥ I’ve read the trilogy but never got to finish the third one. I think it’s just about 30% story/content and 70% you know what haha :p

    1. Hello Edith! 🙂 Yes we are 😀 Although it’s mostly me who’s a rusher. I’ve been listening since the Brad Turvey days of the Morning Rush. Hehehe. I was there during the book signing too although didn’t make it to the front of the lines in Galleria & Trinoma 😐

      Ho ho ho on the 70-30 sharing. I always had a hint of what it was all about but didn’t know how much of it was real content / story. Hahaha.
      -Tipsy 🙂

  4. Just want to ask if you already created a post regarding your favorite morning show, which I also love. I am looking forward to see them in your post. :))

    1. Anyway, some people are saying that reading 50 shades of Grey is like reading the Xerex column on a tabloid. Haha. :)) Don’t know much about it. :p

      1. ” 50 shades of Grey is like reading the Xerex column on a tabloid. Haha. :)) Don’t know much about it. :p ” <– sounds like a rusher to me! 🙂

  5. I read it for the sake of trying out every genre I could get my hands on. I ended up reading all three books because I was curious how it would end seeing that the plot was too soft for it to reach even a second book. I can’t even- *sighs* let’s just say if you take out all the R18 content you could easily fit the story in 1 book but it still wouldn’t be worth the hype. 😐

    1. Well, it’s nice to see someone finally brave enough to admit she’s read the book!
      As soon as I’m done with all the pending artworks, I should proabaly start reading. Ho ho ho.

      Forever Undecided,
      Tipsy 😀

  6. I just finished the 3 books (ebook actually) I love the romantic parts, but I skipped most of the it’s part coz I got bored with the love scenes. It’s just too many 🙁

    1. I must say, I also fell for Twilight book 1 because I loved the story then Edward just took too long to reappear in book two I got bored. LOL. Same with the Lord of the Rings trilogy: when the characters were taking too much time walking and hiding, getting hungry and trying to avoid the wring wraiths, I got sleepy. Hahaha. Tsk tsk. I have such a short attention span which is probably why I only get to read comic books, magazines and essays! O_o 😛

      -Tipsy 😀

    1. My friends love reading certain books over and over. Gahhh.. I never read a book twice…Oh wait. I tried reading a book twice and didn’t finish reading it twice 😛 I watched My Girl more than 10x though and cried each time. Hahaha. -Tipsy

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