Monsters University Hong Kong + Signs That You’re a Worrywart

Worrywart = If you worry too much, you’ll eventually start growing warts! *Corny*
Anyway, read on & check if you’re a worrywart from Hogwarts! *Ahh…forgive me. My brain’s half-awake!*
Signs That You're a Worrywart

More comics for the worrysome!
Attempts to Sleep
I Think I Think Too Much
Social Networking Detox
End of the World: The Cycle of Predictions
The Life of a Workaholic

Googly Gooeys Monsters University Hong Kong

If you have been following us on The Googly Gooeys’ Instagram, you might have probably caught a glimpse of the Monsters University photos.  I promised to blog about it.  So, here they are! 🙂  They’re life-size figures.  By life-size, of course, that means Mike Wazowski is just half my size while Sulley is taller than me by 5-6 inches.

Monsters University Hong Kong Mike Wazowski, Terri, Art & Gargoyle


So you thought this Monsters University Exhibit at Times Square in Hong Kong would have been filled by kids alone but no-ho-ho.  Adults were lining up as well!  Ahhhh.. A perfect excuse for us to go around & take pictures! Yeah 😛

Monsters University Hong Kong James "Sulley" P. Sullivan

I love how the exhibit is under broad daylight, you can actually make out the word Burberry behind Sulley (or James P. Sullivan should you wish to address him properly).   I wish we had this in the Philippines.  I konw it would make a loooot of people happy 😀

Monsters University Hong Kong Scott "Squishy" Squibbles

Then, there’s Scott “Squishy” Squibbles.  Don’t  worry.  I didn’t really get to memorize their names until I wrote this post.  This JPEG was initially named it “Monsters Inc Boy with 5 Eyes”.  Lol.

Monsters University Hong Kong SlugThen there’s Mr. Slug looking ever so excited, don’t you think?

Monsters University Hong Kong Gargoyle

Then there were gargoyles guarding the gates of the exhibit as well as the miniature university hall.  Notice how they installed trees that are blue & purple.   I really wish some trees looked like this–for a change.  ❤Mike Wazowski Monsters University Hong Kong

I didn’t know monsters also needed perfectly aligned teeth thanks to the help of the retainers.  Here’s Mike Wazowski a.k.a. “Smoochy Poo” to girlfriend Celia-Welia.  (That’s the info that gets retained in your mind after you babysit your sister who is 13 years younger than you while you watch Monsters, Inc. over & over).  What I really like about the Monsters franchise is that they really pay attention to the tiny details such as these tiny stickers on Mike’s bag or the University announcements written on post-its & such which I have tweeted about a month ago.  I swear!  I can be their ambassador.   Haha.  As is, I already sound like a paid ad.  Lol.

Monsters University Hong Kong Water Fountain

Then there’s the water fountain which you can’t see here because I brought the wrong lens.  *Doingk*  I usually bring an extra lens but my shoulders & knees are dead tired from walking & walking the whoooole day for 5 days!  Anyhooz, doesn’t this madame remind you of Professor Umbridge in Harry Potter?

Terri Monsters University Hong Kong

Apparently, this guy is called Terri & I wasn’t able to take a photo of his other head, Terry.  Think Alice in Wonderland Tweedledum & Tweedledee meets the aliens.   Ahhh..notice that all familiar half-opened plastered happy smile owned by some people I know.  😉

Art Monsters University Hong Kong


Finally there’s Art  who has perfectly white teeth he must have probably had undergone some laser procedure–or the one taking care of this exhibit is just hardworking enough to maintain the texture of the Monsters University life-size figures despite the fickle rain & shine weather! 🙂

Well, that’s it for Monsters University Hong Kong.  I actually still have a couple of sets of travel photos to share with you guys.   I was actually wondering why I didn’t have as much photos when I went here alone.  Then, I realized, I’m with Ponggo this time.  He frowns upon the fact that I love to sit in cafés from time to time or that when I feel my feet are throbbing from the endless walkathon, I choose to stay in the hotel.  😛 Gahhh…Then again, it has it’s upside–burning calories–which we have, of coursed replaced right away! 🙂



P.S. More photos from  current & previous Hong Kong trips here:
Colorful Finds
Christmas & Some Happy Things
Pretty Food & Happy Discoveries
Of Macarons & Xiao Long Bao
Newfound Appreciation +
Creative Excuses for Gaining Weight & More Happy Things! 🙂

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