Some Afternoon Musings & The Sago Project

I’m just so happy that I’ve been unexpectedly productive during the past 24 hours.  I wasn’t feeling so well yesterday no thanks to our fickle weather but I managed to submit a couple of design drafts to a client & so lucky that it got approved in one go! 🙂

I woke up early today & I kind of hated that my brain didn’t like what it saw on my to-do list.  I was supposed to come up with another Googly post which I was already psyching myself up for for more than a week now but I ended up doing other pending tasks anyway because my mind felt more like it.  Towards the afternoon, I panicked.  Ahh..I still have no comic post for the day!?!?  I thought I was going to be a more diligent cartoonist this year with a couple of back-up posts to boot.  Then, I realized, I think I shouldn’t be punishing myself for not being able to create a cartoon post.  Anyway, the stuff I’ve been doing all day is all for this blog anyway.

So, let me give you a sneak peek of what Ponggo & I have been debating planning for the past month. 😉

Googly Gooeys Test Print
Sent these out these graphics for testing today.  I wish I could tell you guys what this is but I think I’ll end up jinxing it if I do. As of the moment, I’m already paranoid that I will.  *Can you already can smell my craziness from a mile away?*
Secondly, I finally finally (finally finally–I can’t find the proper superlative for an already superlative world) came up with a logo for our portfolio site.  If you’ve been a reader of the blog for a while now, you might have chanced upon reading a post about us trying to build our folio.  Well, it’s been 2-3 years since we’ve planned that.. I knowww..We’re sooo baaa-a-a-a-a-a-d. *That was my inner goat wanting to type with multiple hyphens.*
Aside from the elusive schedule, I’ve been dreading the thought of having to design our collective folio.  Apparently, personal projects are the hardest to do.  For a while there Ponggo & I thought we wanted it to be void of any colorful Googly personality.  We wanted it to be more masculine and monochrome but voila…just like any other project of ours, we end up putting all the colors in.
Googly Gooeys & Sago Project Calling Card (for the blog)
Work-in-progress calling cards: The blank areas have something in them we’re not yet ready to reveal publicly 😀

You see, Ponggo & I have been arguing (well, not really in a dramatic way).  My dilemma was that I didn’t know how to marry The Sago Project with the Googly Gooeys.  To start with, the names are sooooo far apart.  I finally forced myself (over a plate of Rigatoni al Alfonso) to spew out some ideas.  Gahh..Why didn’t I realize that the logo was already staring right back at me on our blog header?  Sago is a local name for tapioca pearls & for the life of me I really wanted to stay away from anything round because I didn’t want to take things too literally.  I thought I was “thinking out of the circle” but now it sounds cheesy. Hehe.  However, just like my favorite Greek mythology plots, what I always try to avoid, I come back to anyway.

Design Rates for Wedding InvitesAlso, I finally revised our pricelist for design & photography services.  I would always get embarrassed when sending out old versions of this.  It’s like I have time for everyone else’s branding projects except mine–so ironic. *Eep*

Anyway, finally, thank you for bearing with us.  We’ll be fixing more stuff in the next couple of months & we’ll definitely keep you guys in the loop! 🙂

Hoping to be able to go back to regular programming soon,


Tipsy ❤

P.S. For those who’d like to inquire about our design & photography services, you may send an e-mail to this address: ponggo[at]googlygooeys[dot]com so that we can send you back the pricelist.  While we’re working on our folio, you may check out our works on & 🙂

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