Watercolor & Lettering Workshops + Life Lately

Raccoons Cats & Bunnies IMG_9846
Wahh! Just like that April is over!  After every event, I’m always thinking “Oh, I’ll upload these photos tomorrow” but it’s as if someone pressed the fast forward button.  It even seems that Riley is growing twice as fast as I expected him to be!  He has just tripled his birth weight!

Riley Then & Now

This is him lately.  When this photo was taken, when our relatives and friends were always wondering where they can find a toy giraffe that’s one foot tall.  They didn’t know how tiny Riley was then. Haha.

Riley with Cap This is the little guy just a few days ago.  It’s so funny that every time I take a photo of him, I have to send it to his grandparents right away too as if they’re subscribed to a newsletter. Lolz.  The hubby & I have been joking that it seems Riley has taken over the Googly Gooeys. We’re supposed to be making comics but just to give you an idea, making new comics with old props takes 1.5 hours to do (sans the time to upload and blog) while making a new cartoon with new props takes at least 3 hours (that does not yet include the time for thinking about the concept of the comic). :D

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Letters & Colors Workshop
Letters & Colors Singapore / Manila
Watercolor Workshop at Cath Kidston 

MeanwhileI noticed I have been posting photos of what people can expect from the workshop in terms of materials & course outline but I haven’t really posted photos from the actual workshops like I used to.

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Photos: Singapore Watercolor Lettering Workshops
Workshop for Moms & Kids: Watercolor Crafts

Googly Gooeys Workshop Tote BagsLast April, aside from the Design Week Workshop in Intramuros (which I’m also due to post soon), we also did a couple of Watercolor & Lettering Workshops:

Watercolor Doodles at Press by Fully Booked in Greenhills &
Brush Lettering at Fully Booked in BGC.

Watercolor DoodlesI’m so happy to have discovered the Faber-Castell Watercolor Set since it’s very close to how I work with colors.  This is also how I mix my colors to make them vibrant: I use magenta, cyan & yellow instead of red, yellow & blue.

How to Make Your Colors Vibrant

Watercolor Doodles OutputHere’s Iiko’s drawing from the workshop.  I’m so happy that everyone’s drawings are different in terms of style (and also from my demo character) because I really encourage people to discover & stick to their own personal style during the workshop.
Watercolor Doodles WorkshopYes, as you may have noticed, I also included drawing animals in the curriculum.  Actually, in the upcoming sessions, I will be including doodling people & animals based on realistic references as part of the session. :)Raccoons Cats & Bunnies 2Above are my doodles on 200gsm Watercolor Paper from Fully Booked in Greenbelt 5 because I really wanted my work to have extra texture.  The pencils are Faber-Castell Polychromos colored pencils.

Excuses to Buy Art Materials: Fully Booked Greenbelt 5
Tips on Using Colored Pencils

Press Cafe GreenhillsIt’s been a while since we’ve held a workshop in a cafe and Press Cafe’s food & homey ambiance was <3 <3 <3 :)
Press Cafe GreenhillsYep, you’re staring at their wall.  Inspiring, right? 🙂

Press Cafe Menu

…and this is a shot of their menu because I’m such a fan of taking photos of objects that I think tell the story about a place. Hahaha.  I always stop for objects when we travel & the hubby would always ask me why I do so.  I don’t really know why. 😀

Travel Coloring Book: Around the World with the Googly Gooeys

Why You Should Travel AlonePress Cafe WorkshopThank you to these lovely people who joined our workshop. Thanks for allowing me to sit beside you guys and refuse to stand up again until you’re actually not afraid of drawing / watercolor anymore. Haha. Thanks for tolerating my metaphors, jokes and allusions to philosophy and life when talking about colors, drawings and brushes. Haha.

On the other hand, we did our brush lettering workshop at Fully Booked in BGC.  I always like changing the format of our workshop.  I always try to inject something new and this time, I included working with concentrated ink in this session plus flat brush lettering. 🙂
Mikaela ImbongAbove is the work of Mikaela Imbong.  This is the third time that she’s joining my workshops and I’m so happy to see her work grow since I met her in 2014.  Can’t actually wait to see what she can come up with in the coming years. 🙂
08 Lettering Ask Receive Believe IMG_9055The brush lettering session on June 5 will be a little different from the last.  Well, just trust that there will always be something new in terms of sequence, activities and exercises. 🙂
11 Flat Brush Letters IMG_9049Of course, aside from the flat brush exercises, we will still be doing the round brush lettering as seen in this post.

Well, that’s just about it!
See you guys in the upcoming workshops:

May 28 – Watercolor Doodles, Fully Booked Greenbelt 5, 1-pm
June 5 – Brush Lettering, FullyBooked BGC, 1-5pm
June 11 – Watercolor Doodles, Fully Booked Alabang, 1-5pm

To join one of the sessions, fill out the form below:

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8 years ago

For some reason, I kind of miss the prego diaries but I really don’t mind all the Riley spam. I’m still excited about your comics and I wonder how Riley’s first comic will be. Perhaps, a before and after series? Or the kinds of flavored milk one could have: cotton candy and mint or even chocolate! Haha. 🙂

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