If you’ve been following us on Instagram. you’ll know what projects we’ve been working on in between all the cartoon posts. And, speaking of projects, through the years, I just realized that there are different types of projects / assignment / work / report–well, stuff to work on in general–based on the path they take!
1. Happy Projects – First off, these are the ones that you’re just grateful for! They land on your lap and and you just start wondering how happier the world is if everyone had jobs they loved! 🙂
2. Hopeless Beginnings – Then there are those that stretch your limits. You’re excited, scared and clueless at the same time whether or not you’re fit for the task. You start to doubt yourself but you’re willing to take on the task anyway. You end up doing a great job. (You might actually even continue doing this for the rest of your life!)
3. The Great Flop – Ever felt so inspired that you felt you can finish a project in one sitting? You start, you do more than what is asked for and alas, as the project is almost completed, you crawl towards the deadline because you ran out of adrenaline a little too early.
4. Dreaded & Deadly – You never really wanted to take on this task but since people always say “Try everything once”, you give it a go. Then you regret it and you promise yourself that, for the rest of your life, you’re never going to do this again.
So, what type of projects are you working on right now and which number best describes it? 🙂
P.S. Like the Googly Gooeys on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram:
Tipys’ Instagram: @googlygooeys
Ponggo’s Instagram: @ponggo_googlygooeys
More tables & charts here:
Types of Facebook Friends
Types of Tumblelogs
Types of Smiles
Types of Jokes
Types of Profile Pics
Computer File Types
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