The Benefits of Exercising

So, I started working out again last December.  Well, technically, I can’t really just exercise for the sake of it.  I need to move with music through dance in general.  (Wait, don’t tell me I haven’t warned you about how awkward I dance).  I was nursing this injury for two years & finally got tired of sitting down & complaining how I’m expanding by the day.  Now, I exercise to strengthen my knees.  I want my knees to be okay so that I can go hiking again & do all sorts of things and take more pictures!  See? It’s a goal within a goal within a goal 😉 It’s like a goal-ception of sorts.  With happiness rediscovered, I want to share with you the benefits of exercising. *Yeah! Haha.*

Benefits of Exercising

The good news is, exercise doesn’t just make your body summer-ready, it also improves your mood, makes you want to eat healthy (it becomes a bit harder to replace the calories you just burned), it strengthens your immune system & boosts your energy.  After 3 months, I was able to lose 6 pounds.  I’m just so happy that I can fit into my old shirts again! Finally, they don’t have to touch my tummy or expand at my hips. Hehehe.  My next goal is to add a bit of color into my exercise wardrobe though. I must admit most of my shirts are from 2-3 years ago prior to my injury.  I’m currently inspired by the images from Nike Women on Instagram.

Nike Women Inspiration Instagram Images

Source: @NikeWomen on Instagram

I love how they feature women who are toned & strong.  Of course, being the color addict that I am, I’m also attracted to the range of cuts & colors that Nike Apparel has.  Well, not just me. Currently, Ponggo is eyeing a bright orange pair of soccer shoes. (This guy is not afraid of colors. *Yeah!*) Anyway, I noticed that not all product lines are available in the Philippines.  Good thing there’s Gcash Amex Virtual Pay. It lets you shop online with a virtual US-based credit card so you can easily access US-based sites. If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, then you already know that the benefits of shopping with Gcash Amex virtual pay are:

1. Take advantage of online shopping discounts from U.S. websites

2. Have the stuff you ordered online delivered to your doorstep.  Yep, no need to worry about your package getting held somewhere and paying for extra charges.

3. Not having to worry about your card being hacked.  Every time you feel that your account is compromised, you can easily change the virtual security code.

If you’d like to see for yourselves, here’s what we were able to ship so far:

My Colorful Online Shopping Wish List
Who Shops More
Digital Goes Analog, Analog Goes Digital
Black Friday Shopping Tips
What Not to Give as Gifts
The Benefits of Doing What You Love to Do
Good News for Bookworms

If you still don’t have a Gcash Amex Virtual Pay account, you can already set it up now!  Just click here.  You see, Gcash Amex Virtual Pay has tied up with My Shopping Box. . You will be given a US-based address to ship the items to and My Shopping Box will be the one in charge of having the items via air or via sea.  Ponggo recently bought a pair of Mission Roller Hockey Skates from Hockey Monkey.

Mission Roller Hockey Skates

Above: Ponggo’s inline skates.  Behind it is his pair of ice hockey skates.  Yup, those are his neon pink laces.  He bough a pair of roller hockey skates because wanted to skate without driving himself to a rink.  If you will look at the photo closely, it’s quite obvious that he already fell and hit a wall a couple of times.  Sadly, he had to discover that braking on ice & on smooth cement is waaaay different from each other.  Sorry, this excited kid already went out to try the product even before I could take a photo of it 😉

Remember when Ponggo wanted to buy a set of SKLZ Quick Change System Resistance Bands here?SKLZ Quick Change System

Well, it’s finally heeeere!  (What did I tell you about Ponggo’s love for bright colors???) You see, each cable represents 30 pounds.   You can add or remove the cables depending on the resistance you need.  The nice thing is that you can bring this around wherever you go!  You can tie it to a door knob, a cabinet or anything sturdy & voila, you have your gym on-the-go.  😉

I hope that’s more than enough reason for you to exercise & to sign up for a Gcash Amex Virtual Pay account today. 🙂



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