Serving Size

Serving Size

I’m currently in my 5th month of pregnancy and my weight gain just skyrocketed.  Well, according to my pregnancy app, it is expected.  But, these days, since I no longer have crazy hormones that force me to return my food to where they originally belonged–outside my body, I can now eat more. *Woops!*

Just today, I consumed a bag of chocolate wafers. *Wahh..Don’t judge me.* Anyway, I’ve been jotting down my thoughts in between our busy schedule.  Here goes the 4th installation of my pregnancy diary.  (I really wonder how my kid will react to this someday). 😀

Day 61 – I always forget I have a bigger tummy now. I always think I can still fit in between 2 chairs and narrow alleys but no ho ho ho ho.

Day 62 – Baby’s kicks are getting stronger! Mommy’s getting heavier every day!

Day 63 – I know I’m supposed to listen to orchestra music for the baby.  I try but sometimes I just want to listen to some good old OPM, chill out music or something lively if I need a perk me upper!

Day 64 – I’m really tempted not to find out the gender of the baby anymore until it’s born.  I told some of my relatives about this & they were all “How are we going to buy your baby clothes?” I said they can always buy gender neutral hues and geometric prints. 😉

Day 65 – Thank you for the compliments that I’ve been blooming.  Sometimes, I don’t really know if this is a sugar-coated way of saying “You’re ugly efore but you’re less ugly now” or “I was expecting you to get uglier but you didn’t…Good job!” Lol.  Kidding aside, thanks for the sweet words. 🙂

Day 66 – I can only see my toes.

Day 67 – As Filipinos would always do, comments about my weight & size of my tummy.  “Hello! Congrats! How many months?  That looks really small / big.” I’m confused.  Hahaha. The weighing scale says +16 pounds though and I’m on the right track according to my graph so I should be fine. Whew!

Day 68 – Rejected Baby Names So Far a.k.a. the challenge with having Go as a surname:

  1. Vincent Van
  2. Victor Hugh
  3. Amelie
  4. Happy (Happy Go Lucky??)
  5. Tina (Tinago – In Filipino, it means, to hide)

Day 69 – I don’t think I’ll ever have the right to reprimand my future son / daughter when she messes with art materials.Today, I’m wearing a dress with a purple line on my shoulder thanks to a brush pen and the habit of making my mouth a makeshift holder.  My gym bag has acrylic stains on it…so does my laptop and camera.  A couple of weeks ago, I stained someone’s pristine white wall with watercolor. *Woops*  My newly-polished nails also has some random purple spot thanks to my new markers.

Well, that’s it so far.  Thank you so much to all the moms who have offered their advice, views and tips on pregnancy!  You just don’t know how much you’re helping me. 🙂  Thank you so much for the 5 pregnant women who attended the Oh Brighter Days Launch as well! 🙂

To those who missed the first few entries, here they are:

Preggy Diaries Continued
Picking Baby Names
Coming Soon: A New Googly Character



Tipsy 🙂

P.S. You may sign up for the new workshops here. 🙂

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Signs You’re an Adult + Pregnancy Diaries
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Of Ideas, Bloggys 2015 and Baby Clothes
Of Exercise & Refilling the Calories Burned
Picking Baby Names (Part 4)
Picking Baby Names (Part 2)
Picking Baby Names & Making Baby Cake Toppers



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8 years ago

Always a treat Tippy! About that gender thing… I’ve been reading a certain blog for a long time now and she had this “surprise baby gender cake” thing. Have you heard of something like it? What happens is you ask someone (a friend or relative) to read the result and find out the baby’s gender. That person won’t let you know but will order a custom cake. If the cake itself or its inside frosting is pink then you have a girl. If it’s blue then a boy. So basically you find out once you take a slice! I mean that would be cool since you love food. Hehe. 🙂

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