why people unfollow you on Instagram

Googly Gooeys Maslows Hierarchy of Needs the Selfie
chart, GOOGLY GOOEYS, social networking

The Moment Cam & Why People Love Taking Selfies

You’ve already heard so many times how people would complain about other people who are addicted to taking photos of themselves.  Call it self-love, obsession, vanity or whatever term but you can’t help but be puzzled as to what could possibly be the motivation behind it.  There are thousands (or even millions) of other subjects […]

Googly Gooeys Instagram Pet Peeves reduced

Instagram Pet Peeves & the Inquirer Super Feature

Last week, we were asked by Inquirer Super about our Instagram Pet Peeves.  Sometimes, I actually like to call them Instagram sins 🙂 1. Flooding – 5 posts about the same thing in one go?  Seriously?  This isn’t a Facebook album you know 😉 2. The Selfie – Well, the selfie is a larger issue altogether—it actually

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