googly gooeys blog giveaway

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Blog Giveaway: Online Shopping Fun with Gcash Amex Virtual Pay

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while now, you probably have witnessed how all our online shopping wish lists have turned into reality thanks to Gcash Amex Virtual Pay.   Now, we’d like to share this shopping experience with you via a blog giveaway! 🙂 You might have already seen this several times on […]

Googly Gooeys Christmas Blog Giveaway 450 pixels

Christmas Blog Giveaway

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No matter how cliché it may sound, I don’t think there’s any other way to describe this Christmas Blog Giveaway. This is probably our best set so far! I won’t delay you guys anymore as I know you’re excited! 🙂 First off, we have an Instax Mini

Blog Giveaway Title

Happy Things: The Blog Giveaway! (Contest Closed)

I’ve been blogging about sources of inspiration & happy things recently.  I took home a bunch of colorful things that make me happy and I made sure that I bought two of my most favouritest-est (red line for spelling and green line for grammar, bring it on!) so that I can keep one for myself and

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