funny pick up lines

Googly Gooeys Geeky Pick up Lines 5x72

Geeky Pick-up Lines (Part 2) + a Street Fair Invite

Ponggo is probably not the most romantic guy around.  To start with, he stopped giving me flowers x years ago when he realized that I don’t know how to take care of them anyway.  Hehe.  Our friends laugh at the fact that we don’t even have code names for each other on our phones (i.e. stuff […]

GG geeky pick up lines
geek, GOOGLY GOOEYS, math, science

Geeky Pick Up Lines ;)

Geeky Pick Up Lines Geeky pick up lines: These are probably the lines you’d love reading on any social networking platform but not necessarily the type that you’d like a girl or a guy say to you!  I was driving the other day and some random thought crossed my mind.  I realized, scientific & mathematical

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